12 Years

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He was large. He wore a black suit, fancy tie, fedora, and shiny shoes. I didn't know who he was, but he barged into our small apartment building and threw my mother to the ground. I froze, sobbing as the man held the gun to my mothers head, screaming "Where's my money!" In a not so friendly manner. She begged for him to give her more time and to think about me, her five year old son, but he didn't. Without a second thought, he pulled the trigger, and in front of me her body hit the floor, blood spewing everywhere. I ran closer to her, crying my eyes out, and when I looked up, the man was gone.

I recall the event as I sit in front of her grave, wishing she were still here. The rain is pounding hard on me, but I deal with it to spend time with her, or at least what feels like it. It was twelve years ago today when it happened, but it feels like it was only yesterday. It's getting late, so I leave the roses I (may have) bought next to her marble stone, and wiped tears from my face, not like it mattered with the rain falling.

I start walking back to hell, or at least that's what I call the orphanage with the annoying kids running around, screaming and yelling.  It's the only place I can call home, unfortunately. My grandparents died long before my mother did, and she had no brothers or sisters who could care for me. As far as my dad goes, he left before I was even born. He never told my mom where he was going, and never came back. It sucks, but life goes on, I guess.  I was supposed to be home over an hour ago, but I didn't care. Janine, our "mother" didn't really care about us, she just wanted us all home and in bed as early as possible so she doesn't have to put up with us as much. God she's a bitch.

As I'm walking down the road, someone comes running toward me. I can barely just make out a figure of a girl, about my age. She's a little short, has short blonde hair and isn't paying attention to where the hell she's going, evident by her running into me and pushing me over. She stumbles and falls, to which I can't help but laugh. She screams "YOU ASSHOLE WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING," and I don't hesitate to yell back "MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE!"

She picks up her things and continues running, shouting "YEAH WHATEVER ASSHAT," as she leaves. No sooner does she run away, another man sprints past, again almost knocking me over. I don't bother yelling at him, because before I can turn around they have both disappeared in the distance. Angrily, I continue walking down the street, avoiding the flower cart I definitely didn't steal the roses from.

As I arrive at the stairs of the orphanage, Janine sat at the top, smoking a cigarette. "Nice to see you decided to come home, Allen," she says, coughing as she exhales smoke.  Sarcastically, I reply "Oh, yeah. I figured you were just dying to see me. Or maybe you're dying because you put more cigarettes down than... Well I won't finish that for your sake."

"Screw you!" She screams. "Go inside and shower. After that I don't want ta' see you leave your room."

"Aww that's cute Janine, is that the best you can do?"

"You know what, fine! No supper for you either!" She yells angrily.

"Oh wait, did you actually cook something edible?"

Her eyes widen and her face turns red as she screams at the top of her longs, "GO INSIDE NOW!"

I shrug it off and walk into the house, pretending to choke as I walk by her. I set my bag in my room and take my clothes with me to the shower. I strip down and get in the shower, enjoying the change from the rain's cold water to the much nicer warm water. I stayed there for a while. Admittedly I cried a little bit, but didn't take too long so Janine would pitch a fit. I change into my basketball shorts and old t-shirt and lay in bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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