the sleepover takes it too far

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Hey guys so as u know pls vote for this story I make please thanks! -amiyah

Kaycee Kenneth and the others are at Kaycee's house having a sleepover the boy squad and the girl squad!

Kaycee: OK guys let's eat some popcorn if u guys want some!

Tati:I want cotton candy

Bailey:ice cream
Andy:Ice Cream

Kaycee: ok you can get it from the pantry!

Then everyone but Kaycee and Kenneth go to the pantry.
Kaycee: KenKen! You are cute like yeah I can't remember!

Kenneth: that's okay sweet baby angel
Kaycee: aww thanks❤❤❤❤
Bailey and the others came back to the living room.
Kaycee: hey Ken kiss me kiss me now!
Ken: in front of the others?
Kaycee: uh no in my room!
Ken: uh okay!?
Ken and Kaycee go to the room without the others noticing.

Kaycee takes off Kenneth's shirt and jacket actually takes off his jacket before she took of his shirt and then they start kissing and kissingp

Then someone knocks on the door.

Will: omg. Guys Toni is here.
Tati: who's Toni?
Tahani: the boy that used to go out with Kesh. And we thought his nickname was Andy but it was actually Toni.

Toni:sup guys long time no see this is my gf Kim. And my friends Maurice Ashley Steph and Zae I have other friends but they're not here and also goes to the same school as me.

Tati and others: sup Toni.
Toni:where's Kaycee and Ken?

Will: huh,they were just in the living room,they're in Tati's room.


(The next day at Tati's house,5:30 a.m)

Tati:Kaycee I wanna talk to you for a second.

Kaycee: sure what is it?
Tati: I know that you and Ken are goals but you know u don't have to be flirting too much no offense but it disgusts me.

Kaycee:what? So you're on Soni's side?

Tati: what no. I'm on your side.
Kaycee: then don't say that me and ken are disgusting to you.

Tati: I didn't. You know what? Leave.
Kaycee: what?
Kaycee: Okay! Whatevs!

Then,as Kaycee leaves,Toni saw the whole thing.
Toni: What just happened
Tati: Kaycee thinks I was siding with Soni about the Kaycee and Ken thing.
Toni: Um....

Toni: sorry,and you should not made Kaycee leave and gave her another chance.

Tati: Meh.

Toni: No time for Meh and time to give Kaycee a chance.

Tati: you know,You have feelings for Kaycee that's why.

Toni: wait....what?

Tati:You like Kaycee that's why

Toni: No,I am siding on Yours and Kaycee's side.

Tati: You.......son of a....

Toni: Excuse me but at least in was being a friend. You fun sponge!

Tati: (gasps) I'm not

Toni: see you in the morning,Tot

Tati: ugh....


Will: Good morning peoples!

(Everyone says good morning back)

Tati: Um,Toni can u get me the butter

Toni: (mocks Tati)

Tati: Tahani,butter?

Tahani: sure. Everyone pray before u eat

(After they prayed)

Toni: Kaycee came. Kim open the door

Kim: K, T😍.

Ken: Told you Kim loves you,T.

Toni: Really? For realsies?

Sean: Yeah,and don't use the word Realsies. Us boys don't use that word

Toni: Good point. And that some deep words bro 🙂.

Sean: Yup,T.

Will: Alright, At a scale if 1-10 how was the sleepover. 1 bad 10 aweesome and that it should happen again.

Tahani: 10.
Sean: 10.
Ken: 10.
Kesh: 9.
Toni: 8.
Tati: 8.
Bailey: 10.

Toni: Tot,you know you don't have to copy me.

Tati: not copying you it was my opinion.

Toni: then why didn't you go say it after Sean said his.

Sean: OK u two stop fighting and let's go have some fun.

Will: where are we going to?

Sean: that place that we love to go to.

Ken: which is.....

Tati: ooh,Is it um.....Olive Garden?

Ken: Idk.

Toni: it isn't,Tot. Its called,Cane's.

Ken: Yes that's the one.

Toni: Yesssss. Aww,Tot don't get jealous just because you got it wrong😂.

Tati: Ugh. Don't care.

Bailey: let's go people.

(At it Cane's)

Tati: Toni,Can you just please talk me.

Toni: Meh.

Tati: uh you're copying me now

Toni: Meh.

Kim: Just leave T Alone

Tati, Toni: which T?


(Tati sighs and goes to her table)

Tahani: remember,guys.

Will: oh yeah

(After they prayed before eating)

(After that)

Kaycee: Hi,guys. You guys had fun today huh?

Toni: yeah we did.

Sean: It was Lit. Can't believe u missed it

Toni: I know why she missed it  and someone else we know is involved in that situation. Yup.

Tati: (sighs)

Will: Let's go

Everyone else: Yeah.

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