A Car, A Torch, A Death

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I've always seen the world through blurry eyes, thinking there's no way it could be as bad as everyone has said it is

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I've always seen the world through blurry eyes, thinking there's no way it could be as bad as everyone has said it is. No, no, it is much worse than I could have ever anticipated.


I sit in silence staring desperately out at the city from behind Michael's bedroom window. Specks of rain litter the glass with slow drops racing each other to the bricks below only to seep into the cracks, not being thought about again. Much like the metaphor of my life.

My hair hangs around my now slightly altered frame, locks of gold catching my eye every once in awhile, which does nothing but remind me of the supernatural change my body went through in a matter of minutes. One second I was standing before a mirror basking in the afterglow caused by the love of my life and the next my entire being is changing before my eyes. Glancing over my shoulder I sigh at Michael's prolonged absence; he's been in the living room for the past hour and a half talking to his "brothers" making me wonder if Elly is still here. In light of recent events I'm dying to talk to her.

I untangle myself I from the narrow window seat shuffling past the rumpled bed, my cheeks pinking at the sight of the red stains dotting Michael's sheets. Mild embarrassment flows through my chilled body as I struggle to compose myself before cracking open the bedroom door.

The four boys silence their hushed voices immediately.  

Michael's head swivels up meeting my eyes with his softened emerald gaze. "What's wrong princess?" He questions and all eyes are on me.

"I-I, is Elly s-still here?" I murmur, picking nervously at the sleeves of Michael's limp sweater. I've become very aware that I'm standing in front of four males in nothing but a thin sweater and panties.

"My room darling." Luke speaks up acquiring a hard glare from Michael, no doubt for his casual use of the pet name.

I nod, reaching for the doorknob to close the door behind me. "D-do you want me t-to shut the d-door?" I keep my gaze on Michael, blinking slowly, trying to appear confident. Michael chuckles, amused by my obvious bashfulness.

"Yes kitten." He grins cheekily, noticing the subtle change in my body language as my mind brings up every time the pet name was uttered while Michael made me his hours ago. Clearing my throat I swing the door shut harshly, glaring at the red head whose expression changes drastically at the provocative sway of my hips. Luke's door is a good six feet diagonal to Michael's giving me plenty of lead way for pushing Mr. Dark and Brooding's buttons. Checking tactfully that all eyes are on me I skip innocently toward the closed door. Michael's sweater rises as I stretch forward, giggling quietly at the animalistic groan grumbling in my lovers chest.

I hear chuckles behind me, clear amusement fills the room to the brim. "She's going to be a handful." Luke laughs, shoving his sire's shoulder playfully.

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