Saving Demi Lovato

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Chapter 1

I ran as fast as a I could not wanting my dad to catch me. As soon as I was in my room I locked the door and was not letting anyone in especially my dad. Open the fucking door Mackenzie! He screamed. No! I screamed and after hours of him trying to get in and not getting in he left. Why? Why me I never asked for a dead mom and a abusive dad.
Flash back

Hey Mackenzie want to come to the store with mommy? As me and my mom got in the car we were driving down the street as a truck came heading straight for us and was going really fast. Mommy I screamed! And at the exact moment my mom and I got hit and she flew out of the car and right under the truck. No! I yelled. I was fine but my mom wasn't and when me and my dad found out she didn't make it my dad screamed and said I wish you dead and not her this is your all your fault you selfish bitch!

End of flashback

Ever since then my dad has become a acholilic and started abusing me. The first time my dad ever hit me I was 7 years old and I am now 13 years old. As I was In all my thoughts I heard a truck pull up next to my house and a new neighbor was moving in. I didn't really see her face but all I could see was that she had blue hair and she was with a girl around my age another girl who was probably around 25 or 26 and two people that were obvisoully the parents. I then started to get really tired and fell asleep.

Chapter 2 oh no!!!

After a long a pain full day at school I cam home and saw my dad asleep on the couch with a bottle in his hand. This is it I thought this is my chance to run from the pain. I decided I would I ran upstairs and grabbed a bag money and clothes. Just as I started to go down the stairs into my living room my dad woke up and saw me. I panicked and didn't know what to do. He came over to me and I could just smell the beer on his breath. Eww I thought. That is when he smashed his empty bottle onto my back and I screamed in pain. I started to crawl out the front door until he grabbed me and threw me down the stairs. The pain was unbearable that I couldn't even breath anymore. I used all my strength to get up and run out the front door. I made it out the door with my dad really close behind me. When he caught me I screamed In terror as he dragged me back to the house. I lost my chance to run from all the pain and I don't brink I was going to get another chance to run. I was so tired I just decided to go to bed.

Chapter 3 Demi Lovato as my neighbor

When woke up I saw the same girl with blue hair struggling to get a big box in her house so is decided to go help her. As I got closer to her I realized that my new neighbor was Demi Lovato. Oh my god I can't believe it I am a huge lovatic! I lost my train of thought when she said hey may I help you? What oh I was just going to ask if you needed help getting this box into your house I said. She said ya thanks I would appreciate it.


I was struggling trying to get this box into my house when this girl probably around 13 came up to me and asked me if I needed an help and I gladly took the help. When we lifted the box up I saw her face and back and there were cuts and scratches everywhere. It didn't look they were from her though it looked like she got hit by something. And before I knew it the box was in the house and I was done moving my boxes.

Mackenzie's POV

Hey I am Demi what your name she asked. Hi I am Mackenzie I said and I kinda know who are you you are famous you know. Ya I know just trying to be polite sorry haha she laughed. Oh ok well I am going to go back to my place if you are all done here then. Ok she said wait where do you live? Next door I said. Ok talk to you later Mackenzie.

Chapter 4 what is happening?


That Mackenzie girl was really nice I thought as I was sitting outside at 11:30 at night. Just as I was about to go back inside and go to bed and change into my pajamas I heard screams from a man and a girl that kind of sounded like Mackenzie. As I ran out front to see what is happening I saw Mackenzie and a man that was probably her dad fighting then all of a sudden her dad throws a bottle at her and luckily she ducked out of the way. Then I saw him pick up at bat and was about to hit her when I pushed her out of the way. Who the hell are you! He screamed at me and I stayed quite not wanting to get him anymore mad then he already was. He then grabbed a gun and was about to shoot but I tackled him and knocked him out and just as I was about to get up I felt a searing pain in my stomach and saw that I got shot. I couldn't even move the pain was so intense and that is when Dallas, Maddie , Eddie and my mom came running over to me and the last thing I remember was Dallas telling me she knew I would make it and stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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