The Massive

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Pokzi moved through the Outside as you might peruse a novelty shop, inspecting the chaos around him like nicknacks to be bought on a whim. Suddenly a giant awed the scattered reality of all and nothing that the Outside consisted of into order for a moment, and Pokzi watched it smash its way through the columns of a domed building. The Outside got a hold of itself and let everything return to chaos once again, leaving only the foot of the titan in his sight. Pokzi ran to it and managed to grab a strap of the giant's huge sandal just as it took a step away into the obscurity of chaos. 

The sandal laced its way around and up the massive leg of the colossus, allowing Pokzi to make it up the the loincloth without much difficulty. He pulled himself higher and higher, gripping the giant's clothing tightly to make sure he didn't fall. Pokzi reached the top of the titan's immense head and saw nothing other than a debate being held at the very center. Spread out across the head to both the left and right were the opposing parties, with a large stage in the middle of the field of hair spiralling outward from the proceedings. 

 Pokzi approached the stage and saw that both sides were arguing vigorously in a two sided debate. 

A man in a black suit and red tie was shouting, "No changes need to be made, everything is fine the way it is! If we change anything we might end up with nothing!" 

Meanwhile, a man on the other side of the stage, wearing an orange suit with a yellow tie, calmly said to his adversary, "Can't you see that what we are doing is angering the Massive? Someone needs to change something before we can decide on a direction to..."

The orange suited man couldn't finish his sentence, as the Massive sprayed its entire scalp with a powerful cascade of water. Pokzi was washed far from the stage, down the line of the politician's supporters to the edge of the Massive's head. All around him he heard propaganda and anger, shouts of insults, threats to destroy one party or the other, and he could nearly see the tension in the air, with both parties ready to throw each other over the edge at a moment's notice. 

Pokzi looked around him, and he could barely concentrate for all the noise invading his mind. He suddenly had an idea, and he ran back to the stage to find that the crowd had reformed at its base. Pokzi pushed through to the front and shouted for the attention of the politicians, but they would simply not listen.

The crowd pushed and shoved him as though he were a part of its collective mentality, and he found his shouts changing in the air in front of him. They melded with the shouts around him and constricted his words, and all Pokzi could do was watch as the meaning was strangled out of them.

Pokzi made it up to the front of the stage and pulled himself up, with effort, out of the screaming sea of onlookers. The Debaters turned their heads toward him, but neither showed any signs of stopping their argument to listen.

"Gentlemen, please, I have an idea that may make your decision simpler." Pokzi projected his voice as best he could without shouting, and to his credit, though the Debaters continued muttering backhanded remarks about each other, they quieted down. The crowd around the stage noticed this and calmed a bit, their pushing and shoving slowing until all eyes were on Pokzi.

He cleared his throat, and looked between the Debaters.

"You are arguing-"

"Debating." Interjected the orange suited man.

"Lounging." Spat the blacksuited Debater.

"Hush." Pokzi said, glaring at the two of them equally harshly, and continued, "You are arguing about what should be done to your debates to help make the Massive less destructive and agitated. Do I have that right?"

Both men nodded slowly, their cheeks puffed and full of words that were fighting to get out. Pokzi decided to continue before the pair of them blasted him off of the stage with their opinions.

"I propose that you ask the Massive itself what it wants, and how you should go about fixing this whole situation."

"How would we do that, exactly?" Asked the Debater in the yellow tie in a disinterested tone.

"And why? The way I see it, we don't need to change anything!" The final word out of the other Debater's mouth fired toward Pokzi like an missile, punching straight into his chest and launching him onto the hands of the crowd.

Just before he was whisked to the edge of the head he heard the orange suited man mumble, "At least you made that brat leave, that's a step toward action."

Then Pokzi was tossed head over heals off of the Massive's huge head, tumbling through the chaos of the Outside once again, the shouts of the crowd blurring into the nothingness and everythingness all around him.

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