5 - The Kings Mark

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Mikasa stood, walking twords you and stood at your side ready to explain what had happened not long ago. "I followed you two out because I don't trust Petra." The female in question gasps ready to call the dark haired dragon a traitor.

"Petra." Levi warned.

She bit her tongue forced to watch Mikasa continue.

"After leading (Y/N) out into the forest she used her wind ability to vanish abandoning her. I was able to catch her scent not far off and follow it. Petra used her own weapon to wound herself, if you look the wound should have an X indent in it." She finished.

"So, you were trying to frame (Y/N)!?" Eren asks not sure what to believe.

Oulo whom was closest removes Petra's hand quickly and sees the mark of her own weapon there. "No! You don't understand! She....She's a filthy human! Why should she be allowed here, near King Levi!?" Panicking she steps back as people begin to corner her.

"Tch, It is not your decision whom I let close to me or not. You disgust me Petra." Levi looked down on her not even wanting to speak with the wind dragon any longer. Turning his back he walks over grabbing your hand. "Come."

While dragged off twords the entrance you glance back over your shoulder to see an emotionally crushed Petra. Something about seeing her crying for real made your heart sting.

...she was just in love.

"Levi where are we going?" You question managing to keep up with his quick steps. For a short guy he's pretty fast, how does he walk with such grace? He was similar in his dragon form.

He didn't speak.

You were simply pulled along into the forest where part of you still held worry that the hunters might find you.

Then, all at once he stops

"There is a village you'll run into if you follow this path. It's not well known so I'm sure you can start over there." He starts.

You didn't want to believe he was trying to push you away right now. "W-what are you talking about Le--" He cuts you off.

"It's too dangerous around us dragons!" He snapped at you glaring daggers into your very own (E/C) orbs. It sent shivers down your spine. "You saw what the fuck just happened with Petra, and the hunters!"

He wasn't wrong. That alone made the hurt even more painful. "I can handle myself just fine sticking with you."

He clicked his teeth yanking your arm roughly shoving you twords the path. "Go (Y/N)." His voice stayed deadpan and firm.

"No! Do you know how long it took me to find you!" You ball your fists up at your side feeling anger rise, it pumped through your system. "I've been searching so long for you Levi I wont let you just toss me aside after we've just become friends!"

"You stubborn human."

"Bastard dragon!"



Levi grabbed your collar roughly almost too rough for your liking cause it damn sure hurt when he yanked you down. "Say that again to my face." He threatened.

Yes, you were scared.

But you wouldn't back down even if your body is shaking.

"S-Shortsta--mmph!" He shoved his lips against yours. It caught you off guard but you respond quickly to the dragon King.

After about a minute almost he pulls away leaving you needing air unable to ask him for reasoning. All he's managed to do was confuse you further.

"If you stay here I'm going to mark you. Do you understand?" He spoke slow as if that would help you grasp the meaning of what a dragons marking means.

Did you want to officially be classified as his rider? You didn't want to let him go that's for sure. There has been a bond growing between you two, and it's even more evident now. "Yes, I understand. I'm not scared."

He heaved a sigh unable to believe he's about to do this, him, the dragon King of the West.

Levi moved closer, "stay still (Y/N)."

He ran a hand over your neck and leans in sinking his canines in having a taste of your blood. He could feel your discomfort so tries to hurry. Once finished marking you he bit his arm drinking some of his blood and yanking your head back slightly as he kissed you once more feeding it to you.

To you it tasted like iron. It made you sick but you drank it down forcefully feeling something hot boiling in your body. Breaking away you cough hard a few times feeling a terribly hot sensation over your chest. A crest of the moon with wings burns onto your chest. A crown placed in the crescent moon was his symbol of royalty.

"It's done. From now on you're mine." He spoke.

"You mean..you're my dragon right?" You ask confused.

He glares at you. "No, you simply belong to me now (Y/N). You do as I say when I say it."

Not sure how this works but you're pretty sure that's backwards. You didn't wish to anger him so just simply nod a few times. Might as well go along with it.


It'd been a week of being his 'rider' but it felt more like slave was the right word. He kept you close almost at all times, anytime a male dragon tried to talk to you he gave the death glare. If not that then sending you off to get him tea while he discusses with the other leaders the problem of the dragon hunting.

"I'm tired." The night had come quickly and you wished to rest up on the bed alone.


Welp that's not gonna happen.

Since he was here there'd been something on your mind all week.

"Hey, Levi since you chose me does that mean I get to ride you?" You wonder.

His eyebrow raises at your question before his stoic expression returns once more. "You don't have to ask. Though I didn't think you had it in you to ride your first time." He spoke calmly that is till you threw a pillow at his face.

"Perv! That's not what I mean and you know it!" God, was Levi always like this? You liked his dragon self more he was kinder.

Levi rolled his eyes setting the pillow aside for you to lay down upon. "Rest, we'll talk about it tomorrow." He pushed you down and gently runs a hand through your hair before turning over and going to bed himself.

Maybe...he still had a kind side.

"Goodnight, Levi." You kiss his back where the heart would be before turning over and going to bed.

His body was tense for a few moments before the male ran a hand through his hair heaving a sigh. "Dammit." You were making this so hard for him.

He's been fighting his emotions this whole time. A dragon and a human being together was unheard of, let alone a magical human or whatever you'd be classified as with your power of song. The new emotion was eating at him inside.

Tomorrow was another day.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He spoke turning over and scooting closer to your slumbering form. One things for sure, he'd make sure to protect you, weather that's the marking making him feel such ways or not.

A Dragons Loyalty (Dragon!Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now