chapter 14

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                                        Harry's POV

           I watch as she trembles and lays her phone on the counter. "Awe love what happened." I say as she comes over. 

                         "My mom thinks that you are gonna hurt me again, and that she basically brought me here for a reality check. He thinks all you wanted was sex and i that isnt all i want so i just erh!" sje says angerily. Wow. her mum absultly thinks i suck and only want her for sex. 

                For the love we havn't even done it yet. I actually love her and her mum is going to take her away.  I run my hand through my hair. "Harry." she says 

               "Yes." i respond looking up to catch her beautiful blue eyes. "Harry im so sorry i dont want you to think she hates you, i mean she ws doing it to protect me." she frowns. When  see her frown an anger  a protective sense overcomes me. i Hate who made her so sad. "Its okay. i get it alot.'

            "Harry stop okay i- i dotn think she was right at all i mean i didnt think i would be doing ths and honestly like i woulnt give my v up in a couple weeks my own mum thinks i am a complete skank and at this point i dont know her anymore."  a tear runs down her cheek.

               "no you stop okay you have alot of people who love you and want you to be happy, i cant believe you would think for a second that there isn't okay she loves you, she just is protecting you from me. You are very loved now come here." 

              She walks into my bare chest and squeezes me. "Harry, how can anyone love me.. love this? look at me," she sobs 

                     I hold her tighter and whisper in her ear something that never cam so easily, i dont just love, i never just love, but, "I love you Mackenzie, i love you so much and nothing will change that." 

                               "i love you too. more than you will ever know." she says back 

      my phone buzzes as we break. Just to add to the level of stress management texted. 

                              M: We need to talk to you gf you claim to love. 

                   H: she isnt a skank and over my body

          M: no harry, its somethng you should see, with her.... bring her in

                  H: no. i am not letting you ruin her.

          M: she did this one all on her own.

                    H: what ae you talking about 

         M: Come to see fo yourself. 

               H: Fine

            "Is there something i should know?" i growl at her cant comprehend what i heard. 

              "No....why" she asks

 " Lets go." 

                    "Mack the car get in it."

"Why, your scary." 

                    "Just go and if your lying mack i dont know if i forgive you." 

        "Harry what the hell are you talking about" 

                           "Who the hell is Matt." 

    her face draws a blank. "Car." i say as she silently follows her eyes bloodshot and red. I cant believ what is happening.

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