Chapter Ten

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Harry's POV

"It was a mistake"

Four words that refused to stop echoing in my head. Four words that hurt me more than any crude words other people have publicised to the world about me. Four words that came from her.

Brooke Dupree, her beautiful smile was replaced with sadness and hurt as I told her to leave. Her eyes shimmered as tears formed. It was enough to force me to get on my knees and beg her for forgiveness, enough to make me never want to see that hurt on her face again.

Sure I had seen the look on many girls before but it wasn't the same. I didn't understand why this girl was any different than the others. Of course she was hot but it wasn't just that, it was her laugh, her cute glare that made her look like an angry kitten, the way she didn't care much for my fame, and most importantly how she didn't throw herself at me. She had class and self respect. I admired her for it because now days you didn't see that much.

"It was a mistake"

I gritted my teeth. I pushed her too far too soon. I didn't mean to hurt her, my anger had taken over me.

Why did I care so much? She was just a girl. A girl who rejected me. No one ever rejects Harry Styles.

Suddenly the door slammed open.

"You are a complete asshole Harry! I can't believe you!" Louis yelled at me storming into the room.

"You had the chance to have the most amazing girl and you chased her away because of your actions!"

"I know" I muttered.

"I hope you are happy now because she will be going home to cry her poor heart out. All because of you!"

"I know!" I roared turning to the wall and punching through it.

"Shit!" I yelled shaking my hand.

"What the fuck dude?" Louis exclaimed

I held my hand inspecting the damage, it was already swelling and blood was beginning to surface.

"Let's get this cleaned up" Louis muttered dragging me to the sink.

"How do I fix this mess?" I asked Louis and Zayn as we were spread around on the couches.

My right hand was covered by a white bandage thanks to Louis.

"First you need to apologise" Zayn replied.

"I know that" I snapped.

Zayn held up his hands as a motion of surrender.

"Why ask us then?" Louis asked snarkily.

I glared at him.

"I know I need to apologise but how am I going to get her to listen?"

"Sorry mate I have no idea" Zayn said with a small frown on his face.

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh of frustration. Why should I try so hard. Why did I have to chose such a stubborn girl.

Brooke confused me. I held such a strange emotion for her which I couldn't decode. One thing was certain though, I had never felt this way about any one before.

"You need some time to yourself because you need to realise what you feel about her and if this is all really worth it" Zayn answered.

I nodded. He spoke the truth. I needed to get away for a bit.

"Okay, but then how will I apologise to her?"

Silence filled the room.

"I've got it!" Louis exclaimed a mischievous smile on his face.

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