The Beginning

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POV: 1p

Hello! my name is Alfred. Alfred F Jones to be specific. I'm an art student from The University of Hetalians, there along with my best friend Matt I take classes just like any normal student. The only thing is... I hate them, I hate all the stuck up rich kids who have gold fucking pencils (Like seriously who need a gold dam pencil my god) I hate the teachers (most of them) who don't allow me to draw the way I imagine, I hate the hours (who the fuck wants to wake up at the ass crack of dawn? seriously) and I absolutely hate the models (None of them have any pizzaz like... why are you modeling if your gonna keep a straight face every single TIME my sketchbook is filled with empty faced zombies now what the fuck man) and it's not like I can transfer to a better art school. I'm here at TUH on scholarship so I'm sort of stuck. I've got class tomorrow and it's already like 10:30 so I should probably sleep. Uggggghhhhhh. Why did college have to be such a downer?

From The First Day I Met YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ