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"I've got information on your sister's whereabouts," said a scrawny young boy, his blonde hair oily from a lack of showering. He wore no shoes, his body mostly covered by bruises and dried dirt, what looked like a brown bag stopping just above his knees and leaving his shoulders bare. He shivered from the cold that radiated throughout the room, steam rising off the walls as ice crackled all around. It frosted the ceiling, walls and floor, making the blonde boy's feet go numb from the cold. 

Across the room, a few paces away from him, stood an older man, his back towards the boy. One hand was resting on the wall, his fingertips blue as the ice continued crawling along the walls, soon creating the ability to see their breaths. He had deep black hair, his skin pale from lack of sun as his eyes remained closed when he answered. His lips were thin, old scars littering them from when the stitches had been ripped from his mouth, leaving him the ability to speak after many years. "Where is she?"

The young boy flinched, the man's voice rough and deep, his words coming out as a growl. "Serenity Asylum," he explained. "They have her locked up in a special ward, completely guarded and hard to get into. Even for the guards." 

The man lifted his bowed head but didn't open his eyes or look back at the scrawny boy. When he spoke, his accent was heavy. "Go and get it ready," the boy didn't waste a second. He exited the freezing room, his skin just beginning to turn blue and the door, completely frozen over with frosted ice, stayed open behind him. The man let a sly smile spread across his features and when he opened his eyes, they were revealed to be a dark purple with a tint of black. 

"I'm coming for you, little sister," he mumbled and let his index finger lift itself off the wall before  slamming back down. Everything that was ice quickly evaporated into water. The floor became one ginormous puddle, the walls dripping and ceiling becoming covered in wet splotches. His fingertips returned to their normal state and his hand fell against his side. He was now drenched, the black t-shirt and jeans he wore sticking against his skin. His black hair was flattened from the waterfall that had suddenly appeared above him.

When the blonde boy returned, he carried a large pendant in his hands. It was a triangle, deep bronze and covered in ancient Egypitian symbols. There was a red jewel in the middle of it and the bronze chain that kept it from falling to the ground as the boy held it out in front of him was long. "It's ready, sir."

The black haired man turned around, making eye contact with the boy and walking over steadily. The boy didn't flinch as he grabbed the pendant out of his hand and slipped it over his head. It was heavy as he made sure the red jewel faced the boy in front of him. "Alright Lewis," he said to the blonde boy, who gave a small jolt at the mention of his name. "Let us go on an adventure." 

They both walked out of the room, the unfrozen door falling shut behind them as the blizzard outside continued to rage on and drops of water still fell from the ceiling, landing in the large puddles on the floor.

Decades Gone By Series: Two Sides to Serenity - Book 2 (Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now