Oooooooo look at the title of this chapter

Stacy: hey Sam

Sam: yeah?

Stacy: are you and Connor dating?

Sam: WHAT!?!?  Where did you get a question like that heh heh..... -blushes-

Stacy: because you guys have been hanging out a lot

Sam: well that's because we haven't seen each other in a long time

Stacy: then why are you blushing?

Sam: -blushes more deep red -
n-no reason. Well I'm going to go now heh -leaves-

With Connor and Toby

Toby: Are you dating mom

Connor: who's mom

Toby: Sam I call her mom because I never had one

Connor: oh

Toby: so are you dating her

Connor: uhhhhhhh -runs-

Sam and Connor ran into each other

Sam: owww -looks up - GAH I AM SO SORRY I-IM GOING TO GO now-starts to leave -

Connor: -grabs hand and pulls her close -

Sam: -blushes- uhhh Connor what are you doin---

Connor: -kisses Sam-

Sam: -blushes deeply and kisses back -

Elizabeth: your right they are in love

Connor: -brakes the kiss- y-you guys where watching us?!?

Elizabeth and Lizzie: YEP!

Sam: uhhhhh you saw nothing

Lizzie: comon Sam you can't lie to us

Sam: -sigh- I guess you guys found out that we were dating

Connor: we started dating yesterday

Dagger: -picks Elizabeth up bridal style - we are dating also

Elizabeth: in your dreams. Now PUT ME DOWN!

Dagger: give me a kiss and I'll put you down -smirks-

Elizabeth: nope nope never in my life

Sam: -shoves Elizabeth's face into Daggers witch makes them kiss-

Elizabeth: -covers mouth kicks Dagger and runs-

Dagger: she'll fall for me one day

Sam: don't count on it

Everyone: what do you mean?

Sam: past stuff she doesn't want to talk about it

Lizzie: like you

Sam: me.... -whisper- I can tell you though. Ahem so I don't know Elizabeth's past vary well but....

Elizabeth: hello.... What's your name....?

Sam: me....? I'm

Elizabeth: I'm Elizabeth..... Are you forced to date someone....?

Sam: no I'm 5....

Elizabeth: I'm 5 also tomorrow is my birthday and I have to spend it here......but I was just wondering


Sam: I want a prince to come and save me

Elizabeth: how do you know what a prince is?

Sam: my mommy told me when I was 4 .....

Elizabeth: I want to save myself. I don't need a prince

Sam: but evey beautiful girl needs a prince.

Elizabeth: But if you make the wrong choice the prince will kill mom made the wrong choice......

Sam: oh... Well I think we all lost our parents soooo does that mean you will never date someone.

Elizabeth: I might date one but he has to be nice and funny.

-end of flashback-

Sam: and that's why she is vary VARY shy around boys

Dagger: I think I'm kind and funny!

Lizzie: Let's go find Elizabeth and get her over her fear of boys

Sam: you guys can go I'll be here by the water.

Connor: I'll stay with you

Lizzie: we will give you guys alone time -wink -

Connor: well? -smirks-

Sam: -smiles- fine

Connor: -kisses Sam-

Let's give them some alone time. In the mean time I'll say goodbye.

Soooooooo I hope you guys enjoy my book. This chapter got messed up so the chapter after this one is the one before this one......  I make total scene. Any ways stay lovely bye-bye

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