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Cassie Blake's POV

The sight before me was unbelievable. We were in the middle of a roofed forest and there was a 4 story high building 20x20 I think....there were 3 other shuttles to the right of us and on the left, I see a storage house. Okay... I guess this is where we meet our teams? "Okay follow me, children I will take you to your rooms and team quarters." A lady with bright green hair says. She must be from Elemntals. She leads us int the large building and takes up to teh 2nd floor. "Okay Lilly...this is your room and your team floor." she says to Lilly and opens a door for her. Heh..2nd floor takes on the Janganls says the sign by the stairs. We head up to the second floor and It says they take on the cougaricals. "Daniel you room is on the far right and this is your floor." She says while patting him on the back. He stepsides me and heads to his room. Still afraid of me I see....The lady takes me all the way to the 4th floor were I will take on Galletormis. It's said its the hardest group to beat and everyone ever sent to defeat them dies on the way there, and the ones who do make it are fighing for 3-5 minutes and then they die. Pretty hard. "So this is your floor and your room is the room right across from us. Have fun and try and get along with your team mates. If you need anything I'm on the first floor. The basement is our meeting room so later today you mightbe summoned.Bye sweetheart." she says while giving me a hug and walking back down stairs. When shes no longer in range of hearing I let out a deep sigh and start off to my room. I open the door and step inside.

It was nothing like I thought it would be

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It was nothing like I thought it would be. I was hoping to would be more black, grey, white,and    purple. I had to admit it was pretty nice tho. I kinda like it....I look into the drawers and see its full of clothes my size. I take a seat on the bed and take it all in. I was deciding wether or not I should rest because I've been up all night training and it was a 3 hour flight...when I decided to take a quick cat nap there was a knock on my door.Ugh, great. I get up and walk over and open my door to reveal a young lady, 16, she must be one of my team mates. She looks a little too soft and sweet. She is most likely a E.C. (Elemntals Citizen)

She had on a dress that was just above her knees that was light pink, almost white, she was beautiful

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She had on a dress that was just above her knees that was light pink, almost white, she was beautiful.She also had a few strands of white in her hair, thats diffrent but iI'll leave it at that."Hello!" she says with a huge smile. "I'm your teammate from the E.C." She then puts out her hand "I'm Mariee Mune." I take a look at her hand wich was quite small and looks soft. i take it and it was really soft. "I'm Cassie Blake, I'm A.C." I say and shake her hand. She then takes her hand back quickly. "YOU!?!" she says. "My village doesn't want anything to do with you, you monster!" I then slam the door in her face at the sound of the word monster. If I kept it open I would have attacked her. I hear her breathing. "I'm sorry! Its just that I'm not used to you guys. You scare me. I didn't mean to offend you. Can we be friends?" I slowly open the door. "You still called me a monster. My people, including my father, were at your village to help protect you. He helped save the lord's daughter and you still think of A.C. as monsters?" I say quite coldly. Her lip starts to quiver. "I'm sorry I didn't know. I won't call you a monster I just want to be your friend. Can I come in?" I open the door fully. "Fine." she walks in and plops down on the floor. "Why did you flip out when I said monster? Were you scared?" she asks innocently. Oh dear sweet jesus. She's just like my sister I have to be gentle. "My village is only called monsters by your people but you said it to my face and It's been repeated in my face since I was born. My village wanted me dead because to them I'm a monster." I say while sitting down. "Why?" she asks again. "I have purple eyes." I say simply. She cocks her head to the side and looks at me. "I didn't have very pretty eyes. Why do they say such things?" I sigh and reply "Because peple from my village only have dark brown eyes and light blue eyes. Anything other then that are monsters to them. I'm the only person in history ever to have purple eyes ever." I say to her. She shakes her head understanding." You have a lovley room." she says looking around. "Wanna see mine? Then we can check on the other teammates." she says with a smile. We get up and head to her room closeing my door after she get out. Her room is right next to mine wich is nice. She opens it up and we step inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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