All Shall Fade - Chapter 9 - Taking Council

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All Shall Fade

Chapter 9

Taking Council

“Alice! Alice wake up!”

“No…” I moaned, swatting at whoever was shaking me out of my blissful sleep. “Five more minutes.”





“You’re going to be late for the council!”

“Council?” I exclaimed, sitting bolt upright in bed and finding myself face-to-face with Arwen. “Since when was I going to the council?”

“Since this morning. My father as requested your presence.” She explained, sitting on the edge of my bed as I sleepily tousled my hair.

“How long ‘til it starts?” I yawned, and then wrinkled my nose at my delightful morning breath.

“A few minutes.”

A few minutes?!” I squeaked, swinging my legs out of bed. “Aw crap…”

“Will you wear the dress I leant you?” She asked.

“No time!” I cried, jumping up and dashing to the large wooden chest in one corner of the room which contained my supply of borrowed tunics and shirts. I grabbed the nearest one – a long pale blue shirt – and pulled it on over my own vest top and leggings that I had been sleeping in. I glanced in the mirror and made a face as I saw that my hair looked like a haystack. I ruffled it a little before tying it back into a messy ponytail. It would do.

“Alice!” Arwen laughed as I tore my way towards the door.

“What?” I cried, stopping in my tracks.

“You’re not wearing shoes.”

“Oh.” I looked down at my bare toes and for a moment considered going to the council barefoot, before deciding against it. I glanced at my walking boots which were in total shreds after tramping through the wilderness and for a moment reconsidered my barefoot idea.

“Here,” Arwen smiled, “Wear these.” She handed me a pair of long leather boots and I fired her a grateful smile as I pulled them on.

“Thanks.” I breathed, “Are you coming?”

“I was not asked to attend.” She sighed.

“Oh, well, um, where is it being held?” I asked.

“Come, I’ll show you.” She smiled, walking to the door and out into the corridor. I followed her down a flight of stairs and through a maze of walkways before I found myself on a narrow path that wound through a garden. “Follow this path and you will find the council.” She instructed me and I nodded, suddenly feeling nervous.

“Thanks Arwen.” I mumbled, biting my lower lip anxiously, “See you later.” I began to quickly walk down the path, and as I turned a corner, I heard voices. I smiled and quickened my pace, but a rustling in a bush distracted me. I frowned and crouched down by the plant, and laughed as I found myself face to face with Sam. “Hi Sam!” I whispered.

“Miss Alice!” He exclaimed with wide eyes, “Are you going to the council?”

“Yep,” I grinned, “I assume you weren’t invited?” He shook his head vigorously.

“No…” He sighed, “You won’t tell anyone I’m here, will you Miss?”

“Of course not,” I assured him as I got to my feet, “I’ve gotta go, see you later!” I called back in a stage-whisper as I quickly made my way down the path, and suddenly found myself in a clearing surrounded by statues with a large ring of chairs running around the edge. Most of the chairs were already filled with Elves, men, and a few other creatures that I assumed to be dwarves. Legolas had told me about them, but I had not yet seen any. Elrond approached me and gestured towards a spare seat between Gandalf and an elf I did not recognise, although he sat close to Legolas. I smiled nervously and sat down, casting a glance around the circle to see who I recognised. On Gandalf’s other side sat Frodo, and then of course there was the wizard, and then me, a few elves, Legolas, those hairy beasties that were also known as Dwarves, a couple of men – I smiled when I spotted Boromir, he nodded in return as he noticed me looking at him – and then there were a few more elves and men I didn’t recognise, apart from Aragorn. I smiled at him too and he cast me a glance that I couldn’t interpret. I frowned and sat back in my chair as Elrond stood and called the council to attention.

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