Chapter 14

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*Chloe's POV*

So, the bitch tried to shoot Rhys. First mistake! Then she shot Nicki, second mistake! Third mistake, acting the hero! If this isn't the best time to expose the lying cow then what is? I hunted all around the school to find Matt. He was waiting outside his first class, maths. I walked over to him, "make sure you're in the cafeteria for lunch." Having gave him the message I walked off to my first class.

The whole day went so quick. It was last lesson before lunch before Nicki made an appearance after a week and half in hospital. Glad to see she's better. I jumped out my seat and ran at her and jumped into her arms. "Meet me at the entrance to the cafeteria at the start of lunch; I just need to go to my locker."

*Matt's POV*

Lunch arrived pretty quickly and I did as Chloe asked, I went to the cafeteria. I was shocked at what I saw, Chloe, stood there with the controls to the overhead projector. What's going on?


Uhm, what? What is she doing? To my horror, she had a video of my locker ready to play... with Rhys outside it. I don't like where this is going. I turned to leave as I heard the crowd gasp.

The video was playing and Rhys wasn't stood outside my locker anymore... it was Mary! She'd got a knife in her hand shredding my clothes and belongings. She also placed a note in my locker and left. My blood ran cold, my face paled and my temper shot up.

"YOU DEVIOUS COW, I WILL GET YOU!" I roared in rage. Who the fuck does she think she is. Why would she do it? Wait, does that mean she's framed Rhys for it all and it wasn't even him? Oh no, what have I done? I turned to leave the cafeteria, though I saw the vilest bitch that ever walked the planet. Mary.

"Get here bitch!" I screamed at her.

*Nicki's POV*

I turned to see what Matt was screaming at, that's when I saw her, Mary. I charged in her direction, up the stairs and out the cafeteria. I'd been round the school three times over trying to catch her wondering where she could have gone. I passed a door I'd never used before, the roof. 'I wonder if she's up there I thought to myself.' I heard footsteps behind me, turned round and was relieved to see it was Matt. We ran up to the roof together to see Mary sat on the floor. I walked up to her.

"This is for what you've done to Matt!" I spat, slapping her in the face.

"This is for what you've done to Rhys." Slapping her again.

"And this is for shooting me you tart!" I gave her the hardest blow to the face as humanly possible. Her now exploded and her screams punctured the air and our ear drums.

"Matt, where's Rhys?" I panicked. Realising he's not spoke to Rhys, I went to leave. That's when I saw how pale he looked.

"i...uhm... I kinda told him he should have died and I've not seen him since." His voice trembled, his eyes were glistening with tears and his body shook. I could see the regret in his reaction, I didn't need to even question it.

"Did he ever tell you where he liked to go when he was depressed?"

"No, not that I can remember."

*Rhys' POV*

My phone rang, I saw Matt's name. I rejected the call and sat up. I took the pills out of my bag and popped the cap on the bottle. I counted them out. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. One for each person who hated me I counted again. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, one for the reasons why I had a sad life. 12, that's how many I was going to take. So, that's 12 tablets and 12 drinks of whiskey. One pill a minute. 1 phone call a minute, not that I answered any. I took he last 4 pills and drinks to the bridge with me and sat on the edge of it. The rain started to pour down and the tablets slowly dissolved in my hands. I just sat there, slowly feeling the alcohol hit my head and the tablets making my stomach bubble.

Don't be sick Rhys or you'll just have to take more. I sat there, listening to the cars go past. I couldn't hold it back any longer, I vomited. The contents of my stomach just emptied over the edge of the bridge and I just laid down in agony.

I heard footsteps behind me and was just going to ignore them when I heard my name.

*Matt's POV*

Rhys where are you? I kept asking myself the same question over and over as I took a steady drive to the bridge where I always go when I need to think. I was about 5 minutes away as the rain came pouring down, great. I sat in my car and just looked around. I could see floor prints leading to the bridge... and a tent... why would someone even want to stay here?

I walked towards the bridge and could hear someone retching and vomiting. I walked over to see if they were alright and if they wanted help. My heart skipped for joy as I saw it was Rhys. I called his name and he looked up in shock. I ran up to him and grabbed him as he went to roll off.

"Rhys, don't. please. Don't ever listen to me when I say something senseless and heartless again. I love you so fucking much." I pulled him close to me and looked round to find somewhere away from the bridge to sit. My heart sank as I saw the empty whiskey bottle. Man why am I such a cunt? I looked at Rhys, his breathing slow and his eyes closed. His pulse was faint... he was dying. I need to get him to the hospital.

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