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Graysons POV
It's been one day since Parker came into my life. She seemed incredibly bored, I mean I would be to since she doesn't know where anything is, so I decided to take her out.
I knock on her bedroom door.
"Come in" she yells
"Hey u seem pretty bored do u wanna go out with me tonight?" I ask "N-not like that but you know what I mean" I stutter even though I wanted it to be like that, but it's not right.
" Yeah sure I'll be ready to go in about 30 minutes" she says with a beautiful smile.
Parkers POV
I got so excited when he asked me to go out with him even though it wasn't like that. But I wanted it to be, it's not right though. I touch up my makeup and put on a Hollister t-shirt with Jean shorts and Sperry's. I let my wavy hair down and finger combed it. By then it's been 30 minutes.
"I'm ready Gray" I yell out standing by the front door
He walks down in an Adidas black and white shirt black snap back and black jeans and black shoes. He looks sooooo good in all black.
He opened the door for me and we walked to his jeep. I plugged my phone into the aux and started playing movements from my favorite album (yall know what I'm talking about, @ tunesdays).
"So what are we doing exactly" I ask him
"Well I was hoping that I could drive you around the city and if u see a place u would like to go into or eat we could go in there" he says looking at me with soft eyes which made me melt.
"T-that sounds fun" I stuttered
He drove me around and I saw the mall.
"Ooooo can we go into the mall Gray?" I ask hoping he'll take me
"Of course" he says
As we pulled into the parking lot it started to rain really hard.
"Here wear my hoodie so u won't get as wet" he says pulling his grey vans hoodie from the back seat.
I slip it over my head and it smelled like Cologne aka the best smell ever. As we got out it started raining even harder and I didn't want ruin my Sperry's.
"Grayson I don't wanna ruin my Sperry's" I shout
"Here, get on my back" he says turning around and bending over.
He carries me all the way to the mall door and puts me down inside.
We go upstairs in Sears to go sit on the couches.
I put my leg over his because I felt comfortable with him and I really wanted to see his reaction.
Graysons POV
She puts her leg over mine as I feel my cheeks heat up. I put my hand over her leg feeling her tense up but then she started to feel comfortable with it.
We sat there on the couch for awhile just talking until she asks me if I could show her the rest of the mall. So I did.

Parkers POV
We finally got home and I was feeling really tired. I went strait up to my room knowing that I start school tomorrow.
This thought gives me a whole bunch of anxiety. What if no one likes me? What if I get lost? What if people start making fun of me?
I start breathing really heavy and loud. I think I'm having a panic attack.
Grayson comes running in my room.
"PARKER WHAT'S WRONG" he asks worried while I just keep breathing heavy.
He calls my dad into the room because he doesn't know what to do.
"I THINK SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK" Grayson yells at my dad
"She is" he says very calm "this happens all the time just hug her and tell her to take deep breathes" my dad says and then starts doing it.
But this time it's not working, all of my anxiety just keeps rushing in, and my dad starts to notice.
"Its not working this time!" My dad says worried getting up from my bed from where he was trying to calm me down "Grayson try it maybe you'll calm her down" he says.
So Gray lays down next to me while my hands were gripping the sheets and I was sitting up while he was leaned back on my soft pillows.
He pulls me down to him so my head is on his chest and starts stroking my hair and my cheek.
"Just breathe in and out" he says with a soothing voice.
This calmed me down real quick. It almost made me feel numb like I just died and I was in heaven or something.
He kept stroking my hair and let me tell u it was the best feeling ever. I soon stared at my Christmas lights until they got blurry and I fell asleep in Graysons arms.
And at this very moment I knew that I liked him.

My Stepbrother  (G.D)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora