1. A Belated Birthday

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Summer was a dreadful time of year, Hermione thought, spread out on the grass outside her home outside of London. She turned the page of her science textbook, unable to focus on Newton's Laws. The last day in July, it was unusually hot, but her parents were still insisting she be outdoors, in a misguided effort to persuade her to be more active with the neighboring children. Hermione had no interest, she had long ago given up befriending the girls her age. They preferred to giggle over lip-gloss and fancy shoes, a past-time that held no interest for her.

She sighed and attempted to read page three-hundred and sixty-four for the third time. Her parents had been particularly pressuring as of late. She couldn't imagine what fueled their sudden interest in her socialization habits, but they seemed to be bracing her for a sudden departure from her typical day - alone with a book in her room. Hermione sincerely hoped they were not planning a surprise birthday party next month. She could not stand the thought of a large gathering of her new classmates, hovering over her as she pretended to be pleased with the latest celebrity gossip magazine.

Blowing a frizzy curl out of her eyes, she blocked out the distant sounds of children and motor vehicles, ignoring the sweat dipping down her neck as she continued reading. As the sky turned vivid yellows and purple hues, Hermione hopelessly brushed the bits of grass and twigs off her shirt, gathering her items and trudging inside to prepare for supper. Her mother was already setting the table when she entered their modest town-home. Her mother was older than most of her classmates parents, but Hermione often felt she was an old soul herself.

"What is the occasion?" She asked, noting that her mother had opted for the fine China dishes inherited from her great grandmother. The delicate pattern was traditionally reserved for the holidays.

"Your father informed me we are expecting company tonight." She replied vaguely. "Perhaps you should change, brush your teeth and freshen up for supper." Hermione sighed. Her mother, with the best of intentions, was ever the dentist, although she had changed out of her white office coat since arriving home. Hermione's trip upstairs was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Would you answer the door, please?" Her mother called from the kitchen, preoccupied with the soup, an egg timer alerting her to what was burning in the stove.

Hermione slid the deadbolt and peered through the peephole out of habit. A tall, slender woman stood on their stoop, her greying hair pulled tightly into a bun. Not the stereotypical look for one of her parent's coworkers, Hermione thought, pasting a smile on before opening the door.

"Good Evening, Ms. Granger. Forgive my early arrival." The lady greeted her, donning a pair of squared lensed glasses, adding to her already intimidating demeanor.

"My father will be here shortly," Hermione offered to take the lady's coat, an odd cloak of sorts, which the woman refused with a wave of her hand.

"No matter, Ms. Granger. I am primarily here to see you." She announced, pulling an oddly shaped envelope from inside her emerald green frock.

At that moment, Hermione's mother swept into the Hall, smoothing her apron. "Pleasure to meet you in person, Minerva." She gestured toward the dining area. As the seated themselves, Mr. Granger rushed into the room.

"I'm late." He announced, stating the obvious.

"Time is relative." His guest spoke, checking a very odd watch on a chain. Hermione leaned over to see the time better, but the watch had no numbers at all.

"Mrs. and Mr. Granger, as per our initial correspondence, I am here to help you explain our offer for your daughter." Hermione already liked this woman. Despite her costume, her blunt attitude was respectful and straightforward. She turned to Hermione. "I am Mrs. McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts School."

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