Chapter 2

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My day, consisted of nothing after I drove into my beautiful new home. So I drove to that camp place, why not right? The drive was boring, I went to the fire pit and saw a gorgeous lady drawing things, I sat beside her and smiled "Hi" I said softly
She jumped, then relaxed "Hi"
"I'm Chase" I said
"Maggie" she replied, putting her hand out
I shook it "What are you drawing?" I asked
"It's uh, nothing" she shook her head. "How did you get here?" She asked, changing the topic
"It drove" I shrugged
"Woah! Did you just say you drove?!" She asked
I nodded slowly
"Teach me teach me teach me!" She shouted
"Alright alright, calm down" I smiled and laughed a little, she put her sketchpad down and looked at me, "Let's go!" She shouted again
I stood up and ran to the bottom of the hill, tossing the keys in the air and a car appearing, the same R8 from earlier. She shook her head "Too fast"
I laughed "Not for you, I'm driving to somewhere that it's safe" I said
She nodded and got it, bringing her sketch pad with her.

We got to an empty parking lot and got out of the drivers seat. Moving over to where she was and changing the car to a Honda Civic
"Much better" she said
"Now, drive us over there" I pointed to a spot
She tried changing the gear, using a lot of force
"Foot on the brake" I reminded her
She stepped down and shifted gears, driving us forward at a decent speed. She smiled and clapped "Yay"
"Back to where we started" I said
She did that and I was impressed
"Drive us home" I said, smiling
"No, freaking. Way!" She slapped my arm playfully, it was when she slapped me I noticed two things: One, she was married, two, I was in love.
I got out of the passenger seat and drove us home again, in my usual fast car.

She was so happy that she forgot to thank me and ran to her cabin, leaving her sketch book in the car. I opened it and found drawings of me driving, she was good "Damn" I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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