The begining

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"Jack wake up!"Amy screamed,

"Oh for god sake Amy it's too early"jack replied,staring into her green eyes.

"Jack,it's 12:00...sowwy jack..."she said in a childish voice,staring back into his blue eyes.

*blushing*"A-Amy it's ok..."he answered,*glances at floor*whats for breakfast?

*turns red*umm I don't mind what do you want jack?

*kisses Amy*can I have some toast please?

Yes you can jack*kisses him on the cheek*be right back.

*thinks to himself* is today the day I tell her...she's so happy I don't want that too change...

*in kitchen with amy*do da do da doo *makes toast*JACK APPLE JUICE OR ORANGE?!

*yells back*ORANGE PLEASE!*thinking*ive been holding this secret for two years I don't know how she would react...

OK JACK! *finishes making breakfast*ITS READY!

OK! ...*walks into living room*

*walks over with breakfast and sits down next to jack*...jack?

Yes Amy?

*sits up*you have made me so happy jack *rests head on shoulder*I love you

I love you too Amy...*thinks*why am I keeping a secret from the one I love

I'm glad jack...*hugs him*

Me too*kisses her head*

*blushes*thank you jack...

"Wassup lovebirds"Jamie says mockingly,

"SHUT UP JAMIE!"jack screamed

YEA SHUT UP JAMIE! Amy screamed

OK OK CALM DOWN!Jamie yelled

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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