Chapter One

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Hello stranger!!!

Sorry to bother you with your wonderful time with this letter but my therapist thought it would be a wonderful idea to send a letter to a random stranger. It's a great idea if you ask me. Oh yeah that's right I need to talk about my feelings.

Well I'm depressed no surprise there. I'm treated like a broken toy that could fall apart any moment.

They seem to think I'm making progress, to tell the truth I feel the same. I don't know what else to say in these letters but if you have questions feel free to ask I got nothing better to do to be honest.

◇◇Broken Princess◇◇


I skim over the page knowing that if I see something that bothered me I would put it in the trash as I did the other two. The gaze from my therapist, Mr. Foreman, didn't help one bit. The second he gave me the assignment his eyes have been glued to my every move only making matters worst.

I fold the page into thirds to seal it in the envelope to get the thing over with. I hand it to Mr. Foreman quickly going back to my seat to get the session over with.

“That will be all for today Ms. Greyson you may leave.”

Without a second thought I speed towards the door glad to be out of that uncomfortably office. Heading out of the grey dead building I arrive at my car to head straight home.


Many people say that their home gives them comfort, a sense of belonging. They just don't happen to be a fifteen year old that takes care of her younger sibling and have parents that fight at least twice a month. Now don't think they are tiny little fights, they are full blown name calling fights. They just happen to love doing it in front of me or any other sibling.

This is one of those days it seems. I watch at the kitchen table having just finished dinner with the family when someone decided to start a fight. Verbal fight of course nothing physical involved... that I know of. I know better then to step in I learned that last time.

Feeling hopeless knowing I can't leave is the worst. I wish I could just disappear right at this moment they seem to always get someone involved in a way.


I jump at the harshness of my father's voice making him turn to me as I was staring off in space hoping to ignore what was happening around me.

My mother comes back again and they fight some more until they get back on good terms. It's like a cycle they fight, then threaten, fight again, and finally come to a conclusion or stay quiet in their own thoughts.

I wait as they both leave the kitchen and quickly get to the safety of my upstairs room. Closing the door behind me I grab a book from my dresser and sit on my window seat. The light hit the pages of my book perfectly making it easy to read.

I sat in complete silence enjoying the pages as I read along when a roar of an engine spread through the perfect silence. Usually I would ignore it but my attention turned to the house across from mine. It was a two story house as well with white bricks that had flowers that absorbed all the attention. In the driveway stood a motorcycle that belonged to the one Aiden Smith.

Aiden Smith is what you call a troublemaker which gained him a title of being the bad boy that you should avoid at all cost. No one talks to him or even so much as looks in his direction. Me on the other hand could give two flying fuck as who he is. I'm told to be a ‘troublemaker’ as well.

In my opinion stating facts is not bad in any way, yet I'm always managing to get in detention. I personally think that the teachers are out to get me because I'm not afraid to speak what's on my mind.

As if feeling my stare Aiden looks at my house somehow managing to make eye contact with me. I give a little wave feeling awkward that he caught me staring before going back to my book. You would think I could at least have the rest of the day in silence that is until you hear the childish screams of your brothers and sister running up and down the stairs.

‘God, one day they are doing to fall and break a bone.’ I thought to myself looking out the window with a sigh. Aiden seemed as if he had not moved as he continues to stare at me. I look back at him wondering why he hasn't moved but shrug it off and got back to reading where I left off.

Hours pass by as I continue reading my book when I got the curiosity to look out the window. The sun has gone down letting the shadows roam the streets. I glance at the driveway to see that Aiden has left, to where I have no idea.

I look away from the scene and close my book ready for bed. The kids have gone to bed earlier leaving the house peaceful until they wake again the next morning. Turning off my bedroom light I head to bed quickly falling into a peaceful slumber.

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