First day.

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She woke up early, her bright red hair in a mess. Today was the first day of 11th grade, she stumbled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom down the hall, being an only child meant she had the hallway bathroom all to herself.  She brushed all the knots out of her long hair , walked back to her bedroom and picked out the outfit for the day. Naomi tends to look for the simple things in life because she is simple. She is 5'2 and can throw a punch, a year of new students, new teachers and the same school drama to come. 

"Mum! Wheres my white  jacket?" She yelled, popping her head out the door of her room. Footsteps collected at the end of the hallway "Left drawer. I put it there yesterday remember?" She said as she walks closer to Naomi's room. Naomi turned around and walked to her  dresser and opens the said drawer. and pulled out the jacket and slide it on. "thanks." she muttered " No problem, ready for today?" she asked softly as she was leaning in the doorway. "ready as I will ever be, it's just another year nothing special." she stated as tied a red scarf around her neck. and slipped on her boots. 

As she walked downstairs she picked up her backpack and wrote 'see ya later -N' on the chalkboard by the door, and headed out and down the street. Her living so close she could walk to school, which she always has since she started 9th grade, on her way her close friend tagged along not saying a word. This was Shaylie, Shy , timid and also short. It's like shortness ran throughout their neighborhood. "Hey, Ready for today?" Shaylie asked quietly. "Like I told my mum, 'it's just another year of jocks, douches, and cheerleaders running round' the halls like it's a circus.' " She stated flatly. Shaylie let out a soft laugh and nods in agreement."definitely!"

They both stepped on the school grounds and soon are bombarded with high pitch screams from students seeing their friends once again "Okay It's not like you don't see people on social media" Naomi spit and Shaylie once again laughed softly and nods " Oh just wait till they hand out schedules, Imagine the screams then?" She said with a sly look plastered to her face. As time slowly passed for what felt like forever, the morning bell rang, and swarms of new and old students moved towards the old double doors, Naomi and Shaylie stayed behind, waiting till the crowd disappeared. 

** I always start an intro in third person.   Point of view will be Naomi's for the most part. <3 -C**

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