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21 march 20XX

I thought of you when I was on the train. I remembered how much you hated the food they gave to the passengers, how much you hated the long ride, how much you hated sitting next to me.

We met on the train, ironically, and you were struggling to put your luggage in the compartment above. It was cute how flustered you were and the pink in your cheeks enhanced it even more.

I helped you and gave you that million dollar smile that you always complained about. You thanked me with flushed cheeks and God, it made you looks so adorable. You showed me later that you weren't only cute.

We sat next to each other the whole ride and I don't even remember where I was going. Apparently, neither did you because you cursed when you saw the time after a long talk we had and you quickly got off the next stop. You handed me your number with a grin and told me to call you sometime.

I was glad I did... but then again, you told me you wished I hadn't.

much love,
song kyungil

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