What have I done?

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Still furious Steve directed himself to the infirmary. Only when he stood in front of Loki's door he stopped anxiously as the full realization of what had just happened hit him.

"What have I done?" He asked himself mentally as he drove his hands to his temples distraught. "What have I done?" He asked himself over and over as he paced around the hallway in a futile effort to make sense of his last actions.

"What do I do know? The question stopped him dead on his tracks; he cursed himself mentally. "I have to tell Loki." Taking a deep breath, he entered the room down casted. "Loki?" He asked as a scared child about to confess his misgivings.

"Steve?" Loki asked sleepily before taking a good look at him. "What happened?" He exclaimed both surprised and worried looking at Steve's noticeable bruised cheek.

"I screwed up." Steve confessed disappointed. "I think I made things even worse than they were."

He looked so guilty. What could've happened? Loki questioned himself mentally before motioning Steve to his side. "Tell me what happened."

Steve acceded discouraged as he heavily sat in the chair next to Loki's bed. "He saw us ... Tony ... he saw us kiss." The words hurt more than he had thought they would. What had he been thinking? Right ... he wasn't.

Loki gasped surprised, even if he had toyed with the idea of cheating on Tony to punish him this wasn't exactly what he had thought of. He didn't felt guilty as Steve did, not really. He was still to hurt to care about that; maybe once things got better ... if they ever did. What he hadn't factor in was Steve's reaction; he looked extremely anguished. He may not love him even if he was earning a place in his heart quickly but he hadn't meant to hurt him nor get him trapped in the crossfire between Tony and himself.

"He did this to you?" He asked gently as he tilted Steve's down casted face to examine him. "He used that cursed gauntlet of him." He snarled disapprovingly, knowing by own experience the damage it inflicted. "I'm going to give that man a piece of my mind." He spat angrily as he attempted to get of the bed.

"No, wait!" Steve pleaded frightfully. "Don't make this worse. I told him that ... that it was my fault; that I was the one that kissed you believing there was something there when it wasn't. Let him believe that ... it's the truth anyway." He ended with a depressing sigh.

"You did what?" Loki inquired baffled. "You lied? For me?"

"Of course I did. What did you expect? That I was going to betray you? This is my fault anyway I should never have said anything to you. I started this by believing I could have something that wasn't mine to have. Let him be angry at me, he's right I betrayed him." He lowered his head again sulked fighting with conflicted feelings.

"I ... I can't believe you lied." Loki said softly mostly to himself. He didn't recalled him lying before. He felt conflicted.

"What's a lie to the God of lies?" Steve answered in a whisper. "It's done anyway."

"Steve I'm sorry. If I knew this would happen ..." Loki apologized, he did felt guilty although not about the cheating ... at least not yet.

"You would've done it anyway." Steve acknowledged. "I should've known better."

"I was the one that kissed you." Loki reminded him sternly.

"Only because I ... I opened a door a shouldn't have. It's just ... if you offer a raft to a castaway he will take it; never mind the consequences." Steve admitted painfully.

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