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Matt stood staring at the red hoodied, brown haired horned short man in front of him wondering who in the world he was.

"Um why isn't matt saying anything?" Tord thought worried.
"It's me tord?" Tord reminded.
"Did he seriously forget me?" Tord thought again.

"He used to live here" Edd reminded.
"Yeah used to!" Tom added.
"Oh of course Tord!" Matt acted like he remembered but really didn't.

He watched as Edd hugged him.
He watched as Tord asked for his old room and as Tom threw a fit.

"Hey Matt help Tord unpack" Edd gently demanded.
"OK!" Matt agreed cheerfully as he grabbed one of Tord's bags.
Him and Tord walked over to Tord's old room.

"Look at all this junk" Tord complained referring to all of Tom's belongings.
"Yeah but don't worry, me and Edd will help you clean it out!" Matt explained cheerfully as he gave Tord a friendly smile.

"Its been awhile since I've seen that smile, that's one of the things I missed the most" Tord admitted blushing slightly.

Matt's face heated up as he put down the bag.
"Why did he say that? Is he hitting on me?" Matt asked himself.
Tord walked up to Matt and grabbed both his hands leaning close to Matt's face.

"What his he doing?! Is he trying to kiss me!" Matt thought nervously.
"Its been so long" Tord pointed out still leaning close to Matt's face their lips only inches away.

Matt yanked his hands away and shoved Tord.
"What are you doing!?" Matt asked his entire face a deep shade of red.
"I was- wait do you not remember me?" Tord asked.

"No I'm sorry I don't" Matt admitted.
"But we-  we've been through so much, how can you not remember me?" Tord asked.
"Look I don't know what's going on, all I know is that you've been putting the moves on me, why?" Matt asked very confused.

"You were my boyfriend! We dated since highschool, When I left I even sent letters didn't you ever get them?" Tord asked desperately.

"WHAT!" Matt yelled shocked, his face returning to the deep shade of red.
"Well I mean you are cute, but I think I would have remembered you if we dated since highschool, and I don't remember no love letters" Matt explained.

"What? I sent you one just the other day!" Tord reminded.
"You must still have it!" Tord suggested.
"Where's your room?" Tord asked hoping there was still some way for Matt to remember.

Tord pushed Matt to the side and ran down the hall looking for Matt's room.
"Hey wait!" Matt yelled as he followed Tord.
He looked around the hallway.
"Tord" Matt called.

He saw his room door open.
Matt ran into his room to find Tord rummageing through Matt's dessers.
"Oh it's been a while since I've seen these" Tord joked as he held a pair of Matt's underware.

"Hey stop that!" Matt demanded as he blushed.
Tord chuckled as he put them back.
Tord walked over to Matt's bed and looked around on the floor.
Tord got on all fours and looked under the bed.
"Ah there it is!" Tord claimed as he pulled out a small shoe box.

Tord opened it and smiled at what he found inside.
"You kept them, all of them" Tord said blushing with joy.

"Those are all mine?" Matt asked.
"Yes, here I'll read some to you" Tord told as he sat on Matt's bed Matt sat next to him.
"This one is from when I left all those years ago.
Dear Matt
I don't know when I'll be back but don't worry, the only thing I'll be thinking about is you, and all the miles I'm away is how much I'll be missing you.
I won't even look at another person my heart is only yours and yours is mine.
Lots of love

Tord finished reading it and looked over at Matt who had his face covered with his hands.
"Hey are you ok?" Tord asked grabbing Matt's hands.
Matt looked at Tord "that's so sweet" Matt responded.
Tord chuckled and looked back at the box.
"Oh here's the one I sent just the other day" Tord claimed as he grabbed the letter.

He read it out loud.
"Dear Matt
Guess what I'll be back in just a few day and you have no idea how excited I am!
I'm gonna hug ya and never let go.
And I'm gonna give ya kisses all over.
I can't wait to see my prince after all these years.
Love as always Tord"

"But how did I forget?" Matt asked.
"I don't know" Tord answered looking over at Matt's night stand.
He noticed there was something on there...a letter!
"Wait what's this?" Tord asked as he grabbed the letter.

He read it.
"Dear Tord
By the time you found this you probably already found out I have lost my memory.
How did this happen? Your probably asking, well I used one of your memory eraser guns on my self.
I know you love and I love you.
But its hard for people to stay loyal, especially if the other is far away.
It's not that I don't trust you my dear, its just I don't want to risk it.
And of our love is to be then it won't be hard to win my heart back.
I believe in you
xoxox Matt"

"Well that answered it" Matt pointed out.
"Yup well then...would you have dinner with me?" Tord asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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