Chapter Four: Shotgun

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*Harry’s P.O.V*

“What was that??” I thought the boys might start asking me questions but I didn’t think they would be on to me this fast. I know what Niall is talking about but in case he isn’t, I think playing coy is best.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I say as I take a seat on the couch and start eating my banana.

“You were shamelessly flirting with Renee.”

Spot on Niall, spot on. “That’s not true.”

“Come on man, I saw those lingering glances. You like her don’t ya? Does Harry have a little crush?”

“Hey before we get started on me, I’ve seen the way you look at Makayla.”

“Yeah...but I’ve admitted to liking her, so I’m allowed to do that.”

My eyes narrow at Niall as I try to think of a comeback. What is it to him if I like her anyway? It’s not like anything is going to happen. She probably likes one of the other boys.

“Look mate, I don’t care if you like her or not, just please don’t let it ruin my chances with Makayla because I really like her. Plus, Renee and Makayla are like best friends so they’re most likely going to stick together.” I nod in understanding. He is pretty caught up on her.

“I’m not saying that I do like her but I won’t get in the way, promise.” I decide that’s the best way to try end this conversation. Niall thankfully agrees and we go off to find the other boys.

*******Next Week*******

*Renee’s P.O.V*





“Hair straightener?”



“umm...I don’t- hey! I’m not gonna need protection!”

I start cracking up laughing at her reaction. Well that was until she threw a shoe at me.

“You never know” I poke my tongue out at her and throw the shoe back. “He obviously likes you” I carry on teasing her.

“But neither of us would do that ESPESCIALLY before we even go out and we are around creeps like you.” Makayla says waving the shoe at me. “Now finish your packing instead of sitting on Tumblr. We have to go to the airport soon.”

Sighing, I give in and start folding my clothes. Makayla and I had stayed the rest of the week up here in Auckland doing some sightseeing and shopping before we went to Queenstown with One Direction. We would be arriving in Queenstown around noon and the boys are picking us up at the airport. Then we are staying there the rest of today (Friday), Saturday, and then going home Sunday. So it is all very exciting. Although I must admit, it wasn’t very smart of us to leave packing to the last minute. We were too tired to do it last night because we had been walking around town all day; so instead we had a New Girl marathon and made ice cream sundaes.

I was pumped about going to Queenstown with One Direction. I’ve liked them ever since X-Factor. The guys are great and are so down to earth. They truly know how to make a girl feel beautiful and wanted.  I have all their albums and my room has posters of them scattered around the walls. I really hope they don’t see those...along with the pens and t-shirts. I don’t want to come across creepy. Let’s hope they see it as dedication. Yeah we’ll go with that.

I zip up my suitcase and drag it to the door. I should really check my phone. I grab my purse off the table, shuffling through it to find my phone. When I turn it on there’s a txt from Harry.

To: Renee

From: Harry

The boys and I will pick you up from the airport at 1. Have a safe flight x

Well that was sweet of him. I always had the bigger crush on Harry so the “x” on the end made me smile.

“What are you smiling at?” Makayla asks as she pulls her suitcase up to me. “Ooh a txt from Harry aye?” She bumps her hip into mine, putting me off balance.

“Matter of fact, yes it is. The boys are picking us up at 1.” I sassily inform her while typing out a quick reply.

To: Harry

From: Renee

Thank you :) we’ll see you then x

I chuck my phone back in my bag, not caring if it gets damaged. I need a new one anyway. Hopefully I can get a job this summer then I can use that money to get another phone or some new clothes. Preferably both but we’ll see what happens. I have a whole a lot of things I need to get and things I need to do. They are all listed down in a diary type book filled with goals, dreams and wants. I keep it with me all the time so I can keep sight on what I want and what’s important to me. The diary is like a fragment of me and the future I desire. It’s what I aim for but it always seems to be just out of reach.

I grab the handle of my suitcase and drag it out into the hallway, shutting the door behind me. After checking that Makayla has the room key, we both hop into the elevator engaging in light small talk as it slowly descends. When we reach the bottom, the smell of vanilla and pine cone candles is on the brink of overwhelming. Hotels and their prissy lobbies get under my skin. I mean seriously, this isn’t a spa, are the candles really necessary?

“Can we hurry up and hand the key back? I don’t know how much longer I can handle the smell of forest. If I wanted pine, I would have gone camping.”  Makayla rolls her eyes at me and laughs.

“Still on about the candles? I must admit though, it is a bit much. Fine, how about you go wait outside for the taxi and I’ll give the key back.”

I fist pump and give her a quick hug as I grab both of our bags and hastily head towards the exit. Queenstown here we come.

*Niall’s P.O.V*

“Flight from Auckland to Queenstown, just arrived!” Louis reads off the screen. We had arrived just on time. I thought we were going to be late due to all the fans outside our hotel holding us up but we made it in the nick of time. The boys and I had been in Queenstown for a few hours now but had refrained from having a look around so the girls could join us. We knew it would be their first time here too so it’s gonna be fun exploring the place. From what I had seen, Queenstown is quite cute. The roads are lined with huge, fiery orange trees that contrast amazingly with the grey mountains and blue lakes. I think I’m gonna like it here.

As the passengers start exiting the terminal, the boys made it a game to see who could spot the girls first. Whoever won got to ride shotgun. In this case, I didn’t want to win because I want to sit next to Makayla. I want to know about how she spent her week and how the flight was. I feel like a school kid with a crush but I can’t help it, she just has this effect on me. This is proven when my heart races as the boys start calling their names. They notice us straight away and make their way through the crowd.

“Hey! How’s it goin’?” I ask as I go give them both a hug.

“Good, thanks. How are you?” Makayla replies, flashing me her gorgeous smile. The butterflies have returned.

“I’m great now” I wink and let out a chuckle as she blushes. “Here, I’ll take those for you love.” She thanks me and we walk over to the other boys.

“I spotted them first! I get shotgun!” Zayn calls out.

“No way, I did!” Louis retaliates.

“Okay I’ll race you there then?” Louis thinks about it for a couple of seconds then sprints to the exit. “Hey, no fair!” Zayn yells, running after him.

The rest of us are left laughing at the two of them as we trail along behind them. Now that the girls are here we can start our sightseeing. The girls have no idea what the boys and I have in store for them. Let’s hope they enjoy it.

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