If I Were an Elf Tag

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If I were an elf tag

1. What department would you work in if you were an elf?

2. Favorite childhood toys?

3. Do you believe in Santa?

4. Are you on the naughty or nice list?
•I hope I'm on the nice.

5. Favorite Christmas memory?
•last year at my brothers now ex girlfriend's house

6. Traditions?
•open one present on Christmas Eve. And eat honey baked ham. Ohhh and we have to go to my parents bedroom before we see our presents

7. What is your favorite holiday dessert and/or drink for the holidays?
•drink- hot chocolate, peppermint mocha frap
dessert- peppermint bark!!!!!!

8. What does Christmas mean to you?
It's the celebration of the birth of Christ.

9. Kiss your boyfriend under the mistletoe?
•yeah his name is teddy and he's a stuffed animal bear.

This tag is from beautyliciousinsider on YouTube

November 26, 2013

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