Chapter 1

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'Always remember, Suyoko, You belong to me. I own you. I always will. like I always have. You will obey me!" Mishiyo, the demon shouted. 'yes Sir. I know.' I said and I bowed my head. 'I know you know, now stand up and wake up.' I did as my master wished, I got up from my kneeling position and woke up. I gasped for air as I shot up straight. I looked arround. My dark bedroom. I had that dream again. like almost every night. Master's checkup. He would see if I still obeyed him. 

I layed my head back down on my soft pillow. I yawned. Ug what a terrible taste I had in my mouth... I looked at the glass of water on my nightstand. With my index finger I directed a big drop of water to float towards my mouth. I opened my mouth and let the water fall in. Ah, how refreshing. I loved this gift. I dond't feel bad about being a demon's property at all. I was only gifted with a good body, fighting skills, enternal yought and the great power of being able to controle the elements. I mostly just used water and wind I guess, but still. And the only thing I had to do was kill other gorrows... no big deal. 

I looked at my clock. 4:00. Hm I better get up. I only neet 3 hours of sleep a day, so I wasn't really tired any more. I got out of my bed and stood infront of my mirror for a moment. My black hair was wild, like always My eyes blue/brown. with my index finger I trached the stlightly visible six-pack on my belly. Then I rubbed my face and I took a pair of pants from my dresser. After I got those on, got to the bathroom to brush my teeth and aI i always did, I effordlessly tried to wash my mark off. It was the only thing that kind of bothered me about being a gorrow. It were four leters in my master's writing signs. He once told me it said "Mine". It started at the low right side of my neck and went down to my chest. I always tried to wash it off, but as I said, effordless. 

Afterthe side of my neck and my chest were red from scrubbing, I gave up and left to my livingroom. My appartment was pretty big. The landlord had once sold his sould to my master, and now I love in the penthouse. I really love my Master, he wasn't mean to me or something. As long as I did what he wanted me to do, he tried to make my live on earth feel like heaven. 

I plopped down on my black leather U shaped couch and turned on my TV. There wasn't anything interesting on. Only news and "adult movies", so I turned it off again. I felt a little bored. A sigh ascaped my mouth. "what is it my gorrow? Are you not happy?" I heared the familliar voice ask. "no" I sighed again. "Just bored." "well.. ehh..." it was quiet for a moment. "oh, I know, Have I ever told you about that time I killed the angel Gatumeyo?" I shook my head, exited. I loved it when master would tell me stories about angels and demons (no not the movie.) master laughed and then started telling me his story. 

Before I knew I heared my allarm go off in my bedroom. I sighed, went to turn it off and put on a T-shirt. 

"Quiet please!" Sensei said strictly. I don't want to do Japanese... I wrote in my notebook. This is going to be sooo boring! "I don't know Suyoko, I feel something strange. like something big is going to happen." I frowned and wrote: Good or Bad? "I don't know" was master's answer. 

"Ok class, there is someone who would like to introduce himself, This is Takeru, He's new." Sensei sighned the person outside the classroom to come in. The door directly opened, it was almost too fast. So this guy walked in. He had darkblond hair that hung down his face. The guy had a piece of cloth over his face that was covering his nose, mouth and a big part of his right cheek. But it wasn't a mask people wear to prevent themselves from getting a cold, this was just a piece of expensive cloth bound arround his head. 

"Good morning everyone, My name is Mishumi Takeru, I'm.. 17. And I'm new." He said dryly. He scratched his head and looked arround the class with a frown on his face. His eyes stopped at mine. They widened a bit and slid down to my mark. "you can pick an empty spot." sensei said, and with that Takeru walkled in my direction and sat down next to me withouth once looking away from me. I closed my notebook and gulped. Why is he looking at me like that? Then the guy suddenly looked away and frowned. He took his notebook out of his bag and started drawing something. "Hi" he whispered, not looking away from the paper. I didn't answer. I just stared at the strange guys sitting next to me. He slightly tilted his head and said: "I like your tat." I raised a brow. Tat? as in Tattoo? I don't have a... Oh yeah, my mark. /he thought it was a tattoo, that's actually a good one. "Eh, thanks..." I said. I heared my master laugh in my head. I really don't need him making fun of me right now! I wanted to tell him to "so?" Takeru said. I looked at him not understanding. "Your name, arn't you going to tell me?" He now looked up from his paper, straight into my eyes. "Suyoko Yatusme." I said. "Suyoko." He tested the name and then nodded. Ah How about my LAST NAME? He continued drawing. I leaned back to get a glimpse of his drawing, but he just leaned aside, so my sight was blocked. "Why so currious?" He asked. "Oh" I said shocked. "I just wanted to see, no big deal right?" He tilted his head again. "No big deal." He repeated and he slid the paper onto my desk. I hasped at the drawing. It was some demonic monster with horns and wings, surrounded by fire. He remimned me a bit of master, but master had different shaped wings, and master's horns stood up insted of down like the iconic skyrim helmet. Did he know about the demons?  about the Gorrows? Was he a Gorrow? 

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