[ eyepatch ]

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word count: 290
tw: major character death, suicide, self harm (in some form)

Phil came home to a horrifying sight. Dan sprawled out on the couch, one of his hands wrapped around a knife buried deep in his chest. The boy was still breathing, barely, and Phil rushed over to him, grabbing his other hand that had dropped off the couch. Dan's almost lifeless gaze flicked over to Phil, and he let out a groan of pain.
"D-Dan, why..." Phil whimpered, tears falling down his cheeks. He gripped Dan's hand tightly.
"Phil..." Dan's voice was no more than a whisper, barely audible. "I love y-"
Dan's breath ran out. Phil crouched aside Dan, feeling his hand grow cold in his grip. He couldn't breathe. Phil stood up, stumbling over to the kitchen where he grabbed a spoon, leaning over the sink. He wanted to get rid of the terrifying sight. A shaky hand brought the spoon up to one of his eyes, and he stuck it in, gouging out his eye, ignoring the pain. The spoon and what was left of his eyeball fell to the sink, along with blood. His hands were too shaky to do anything, so he stood there, feeling blood spill down his cheek and into the sink.

Two months later, Phil finally had the courage to go outside. He squinted in the harsh sunlight. He wore an eyepatch on the eye he had gouged out, and called a taxi. At a store, while he was looking at movies, a kid, ten years old at best estimate, approached him.
"Sir, what's under your eyepatch?" The child asked, and Phil looked over and down at him. He looked like Dan, with messily combed brown hair and brown eyes. Phil smiled for the first time since Dan died. "It's complicated."

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