Lost 6

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There are cases when people fight over their children after divorcing.

However, mine is the very opposite of wanting or taking. They were practically forcing each-other to take me.

Now, i wasn't an object, and I was sure I was old enough to take care of myself. But apparently, they wouldn't let me, henceforth leading me into a foster home.

I hated it.

It was a disgusting place, with hardly any food to eat because there were so many children. I don't know why people are willing to shove their kids into a hell hole like that.

It was worse than school, and that's saying something. It was like a modern version of Oliver Twist. Only this boy was slightly more well fed, a bit wealthier and had parents who just didn't want him.

The reason I don't get fed much is because I apparently 'look good enough'. I can tell you now, a boy being 110 pounds when he's sixteen, almost seventeen is not a very healty thing.

But I didn't complain, seeing how good kid I was. I knew that there were too many kids and not many staff. I was understanding. Nonetheless that didn't stop me from having some treats at night. And neither did it stop them from stuffing me into a cupboard of spider when I was caught.

I had a serious case of arachnophobia then. I think it was after that incident I wasn't afraid of them anymore.

I was horrified by them.

Enough to make me hyperventilate everytime I saw one. It was bad enough that it had gone worse, but it gave me nightmares of the cupboard.

So I ran. I didn't know when, it was some night, I just ran.

Away from the starvation, away from the spiders and away from the nightmares.

The last thing I knew was that I was on the back of a truck, hiding away in the straw with a few horses.

I couldn't have been more blessed

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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