Somebody That I Used To Know

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It had been 4 years since Cameron Goodkin had seen his former partner in crime, Kirsten Clark. He'd searched for her to no end. And then one day, in the simplest of ways, it happened. And his life changed forever.


"Can I get a, um, medium coffee to go." He ordered, scrolling through his emails. 

"And your name, sir?" 

"Cameron." He said and stood there, waiting for his order. 

"You know, you're supposed to order and go wait over there, and let someone else order. Not just stand in people's way, taking up space." 

His thumb halted in it's scrolling as his entire body froze. He'd know that voice with the not-so-subtle snark anywhere. Almost not daring  to believe it, he slowly turned around. And there she was. Simple as that, standing in line behind him in a coffee shop. She was just as he remembered her, all long blonde hair, skinny arms and legs, and blunt sarcasm. 

She won't remember you. Maggie's words came back to him suddenly. Or any of us, for that matter. Anything from the point she graduated high school, or her first year f college, if she's lucky, is all she'll remember. Anything else, at least to her, is like it never happened. 

But the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Kirsten?" 

A scowl chased away the previous expression on her face.

 "How do you know my name? Who are you?" 

His heart sank with the last stone of hope that he'd been harboring that she'd know who he was. His name was called, and so he grabbed his coffee and turned  back to her.

"Sorry, you just looked like someone I used to know."

And he left. 


4 Years Ago 

Cameron watched the rest of his team go, lowering his gaze to his feet as the door clicked closed. He looked up, doing his best to ignore the noises of the machines that surrounded her. He instead focused on her, on the steady rise and fall of her chest, the way her nose slightly crinkled every so often. He took her hand, wrapping his around it. 

"I'm not giving up on you." He started. "Even if  you don't remember me, I'll always be there for you. Whether you want me or not. But I promise you: I will find a way to fix this. I'll  bring you back. Trust me." Her hand twitched, and his eyes flicked back up to her face. Her eyes fluttered and she started to stir. She was going to wake up soon. He squeezed her hand one more time and stood.  As he turned toward the door, he thought he might've seen her eyes open, but he didn't let himself look back to find out. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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