Chapter 1 - The Roll

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Laura's POV


I groaned at the sound that awoke me which was my alarm. I turned my body to shut off the annoying sound. There's nothing I hate more than the sound of that alarm.

I always hated waking up early but today was different. Today was the day I get to audition for the roll as, 'Alex Vause'. I always wanted to be an actor and since there's going to be a show filmed in New York, I couldn't give up the opportunity.

I got up and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a mug and made myself some coffee. Waiting for my coffee to be made, I made myself some eggs.

When my coffee was done, my eggs were done soon after.
I wasn't really hungry but I had to eat.

I went to my room to grab my phone and came back to the kitchen to finish breakfast.
I checked the time. 9:37am. I still had plenty of time, my audition was at 2 o'clock.

I quickly finished breakfast even though I wasn't in any rush. I put my dish in the sink and went to my bedroom.

I started rummaging through all my clothes and finally found an outfit. I put on a pair of Skinny Jeans and a light pink Tunic.

I went to my closet to find a decent pair of shoes. I grabbed my black converses and slipped them on.

As soon as I was done, I made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and chuckled. My hair was a big mess and I didn't look like me without makeup. I looked threw the three draws and finally found a brush. I brushed the little knots out and wet my brush a few times.

When I want finished with my hair, I took my makeup pallets out. I started with Contour, then took care of my eyes. After I was done with that I checked my phone, 11:57am.

I had an hour and a half to spare. I decided to practice one of the scenes I had to do for the audition. I couldn't practice the other because it had to be done with the other actor playing as Piper.

The scenes that had to be done were; An airport scene and a shower scene which made me feel sort of uneasy knowing I had to be naked infront of complete strangers.

I wanted to know who was auditioning for 'Piper Chapman' because I knew that my audition would be with her and if I got the roll, I would have more scenes with her due to Piper and Alex being in a relationship.

I had to get going soon or else I would miss my audition.
I grabbed my keys and stormed out the door. On my way to the audition, I sat in silence just thinking about if I got the roll, how it would be working with all of the women, how I would get along with the rest of them.

I stepped in the the room and met Jenji and Piper. They let me meet the 'behind scene' workers and some of the people that were audition.
They led me to the seat I had to wait at while they set up everything for the audition. Right before I sat down, a blond haired girl walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm Taylor," she spoke. "I'm auditioning for the roll for Piper and I wanted to get to know you a little before the audition".

I put my hand out for her to shake, "Hi, I'm Laura".

We starting talking about pretty much anything that came to mind. Taylor was actually very interesting, unlike me.

She has done other rolls for movies but never a show. She had lots to say that she probably thought was boring but to me, she was so interesting. I had nothing to talk about since I haven't done much in my life.

"Laura Prepon and Taylor Schilling!" One of the directors called out. I stood up and started toward the room we had to go in. Taylor followed.

"The first scene you guys are going to do is the airport scene so be ready" Jenji told both Taylor and me. I looked down and saw my hands shaking a bit. I guess Taylor noticed and grabbed my hand, "You don't have to be scared, I know what it's like and it sucks but all you have to do is say your lines," Taylor said quietly, almost in a whisper, "don't worry about anything else."
She let go of my hand and walked away. I just stood there smiling like an idiot.

We just completed the Airport Scene and now it's time for the shower scene. Honestly I was kind of confused on why we had to audition with this scene because it had no lines.

I got to the dressing room and undressed my self and put the robe they gave me on.
I walked out and was sent straight to the shower. Taylor was already done so she walked over to me and playfully punched my arm, "You ready to make out me?" She whispered. "You know it" I said, and winked at her while walking away.

I was surprised on how well I got along with Taylor even though we only known each other for a few hours.

"Okay you girls ready?" One of the 'Behind the scenes' people asked. Taylor and I looked at each other and nodded.

Slowly, we stepped into the shower and took off my robe.

I was behind Taylor while she was under the running water. I made my way toward her and lightly touched her back with one hand and my other hand touching her upper stomach. I made my way to the front of her and my hands wrapping around the tops on her arms. Pushing her arms down a little, I leaned in and connected my lips to hers. We made the kiss as if no one were watching. Everything was blur other than the feeling of her lips touching mine. She slipped her tongue in my mouth which surprised me but I didn't care. We kissed for a good minute or so and someone finally yelled cut.

After that, I got dressed and was told that they would call in about 2 weeks to let me know if I got the part.

I bumped into Taylor on the way out of the building.

"Hey, Laura. I'm glad I found you," Taylor said giving me a little piece of paper, "Text me sometime" Taylor said and winked, copying my actions a few minutes before. Then she walked out.

I really hope I get this job.

Hola, I hope you liked this chapter. It's very long and I'm sorry, I wanted as much detail as possible. I'll be updating every other day, if I don't then it's probably because of school or that I'm just busy so forgive me if I don't update. Anyways I hope you liked the story.

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