dying light

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I reached out to grab the gun , but was startled by a noise, infected. Shit! I turned to see where it was , oh it was a beauty! Pale as snow and malformed. I'd always wondered if they could see in the dark with those orange headlamp eyes , guess not. This shit was funny as fuck , though I wish it would quiet down or it would attract others. "shit mj , shut up" I guess I name them after celebrities so this seems like a film or a game , helps me keep going. I called this one Michael Jackson because before he died and went to 'never land' he went all weird you know? Turning his skin white , becoming a pedo and dangling kids over balconies. Bad times. But I really needed to concentrate and get the hell out of here and find my friends. First , I needed to kill this thing , that shouldn't be difficult except the door was wide open. (so others could come in at any moment) I bit my lip "fuck it , I'm going for it". I took the knife from my pocket and hopped over the desk as softly as I could. Throwing an object , I wasn't really paying any attention , at the wall I ran for the open door , I could see something moving in the shadows so I stopped and checked to see if mj was still where I thought he was , hadn't moved an inch , I loved this guy. Normally they'd just randomly wander around (annoyingly!) , But not this guy. I smiled and turned round to see the mystery figure running in my general direction , that's weird , it didn't run like infected. I frowned , others were running after whoever it was , definitely infected. This bro was going to get us killed , this bro was ... Heather!

part 2

2 weeks later .........

This place was a ghost town , I felt like I was the only one living here. Ever since Heather , well , everything went downhill from there ....

"Heather , over here! I screamed , finishing off mj. It's safe here".She ran over , blocking the door with desks and chairs.

No , I wasn't going to think about that now. Tears running down my cheeks I searched endlessly for a friend I would never find.

"what do we do now?" "Do I look like I've got a plan". I looked around , hoping for an escape route."Shit!" I ran to the Windows and threw myself against them with all my might , "Yes". A bad economy was good for something , "at least their not double-glazed , we can go through. " Try not to cut yourself on the glass we need to be quick!". Heather jumped out carefully over the broken glass and pulled me through , " um , we need to , block the windows ". "Genius!" Heather rolled her eyes and started looking for something heavy.

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