I Might Be Going Crazy Too

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Today is the day I try the experiment on Dan. I already have all my information I gathered on the phobia of being left alone. I've been monitering him constantly and he shows the signs of this. I need to get a little bit more infomation on his background and childhood which is what usually causes some people to absolutley lose it. All I need is permission from my higher-ups to look through his past and finally uncover his mystery. The other thing I got from watching Dan is that he talks like a normal person which frightens me even more. I actually have a fear of "mental" people but I'm just so interested in uncovering what they hold it doesn't bother me as much. The thing is, Dan sounds almost normal. There are times where he'll just look at you with murderous eyes but I feel like he's gained my trust since it's been arouns two weeks. Feel like. You never know what another human is feeling.

-Doctor Phillip Michael Lester

I walked up to the room. Breathing in. One. Two. These past weeks I made sure not to leave Dan alone for more than four hours now that I've found out about his phobia/fear. Mostly phobia. Three. The sunlight from the windows in the hallway hitting my black dyed hair. This time I left Dan alone for around twenty four hours. I'm worried of what will come. Doctors warned me about not testing pyscopaths. I didn't care. Yet, here I am sweating. They said he got... different. I'm about to see what "different" means. I input the code and opened the door. There he was in his usual spot. In the chair. But, he smiled at me. Smiled. Smiled. I took a mental note. I made my way to the table and sat down in front of him. Just like usual.
"Hello Da-" I started but got cut off.
"You thought you could leave me, huh?"
He said. His smile, that honeslty was incredibly atractive had turned into a more sinister one.
"No, it was just an expe-"
"An experiment? That is all I meant to you?"
He said starting to get a little angry.
"What? No, Dan listen.. We... Uh-"
He grabbed my collar and pulled me close with a force I didn't know he had. He looked so frail. I was sweating like mad now.
"So you really don't care for me?" He said.
It was angry... Yet sad. I decided to stay calm since it was the most sensible thing, really. He was releasing his feelings on me. And that was okay. It's good to let things out. Yes, we were dealing with a pyscopath but I, I actually trusted him. I dont even know why, I just do. He's so.. Just different. Since I've been trapped with all these pyschopaths for seven years, studying them, seeing how they interpret things. Basically how their world works. I have never ever felt an attachment to any of them, except this one. Right in front of me, gripping my collar, his hands dangerously close to grabbing my neck. I looked at him and I didn't say anything. Tears, literal tears, spilled from his eyes. I was taken aback. He was truly miserable, wasn't he? I regret doing that. I regret hurting him. I looked at his eyes. He shoved me and my weight affected the chair and I tumbled and hit my head on the wall. Thank God it wasn't a hard wall or I could've blacked out. I rubbed the back of my head and tried to get up. "D-an, what are you d-" he pinned me to the wall. "Doctor Phillip Micheal Lester." I was scared. I didn't want to feel safe with him anymore. "I love you" What the fuck. My eyes widened immensly. No. No. No. NO. He couldn't love me. I was only his doctor. I wasn't his friend. I wasn't more than a friend. No. No. I let him get too close.
He got closer to my face and started to close his eyes. No. His seemingly dry lips hit mine. They were soft, sweet. You could melt in them. And you wanna know what I did? Kiss back.

A/N:   Ok. Hi. You're probs shook. I actually got shook by my fanfic and since were all in this hell hole its ok man. : ' )

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