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OH MY GOD. Okay I'm soosososo a sorry I haven't been updating for like 2 weeks!!! My mom took my phone away so I couldn't update and I just feel so horrible and yeah.. Ugh anyways since I've been gone so long, I'm going to write an extra long part to this so yayay!!

Okay so jeez.. Alot has happened since the last time I update.. Ohm so I guess I'll just summarize it and kinda make the exciting parts longer. So basically my week was pretty good.. Even though I got my phone taken away..

On Wednesday I had a HUGE ANXIETY ATTACK (I get those ALOT) but I just could take it. I almost passed out... And I threw up but I raised my hand to go to the bathroom and it was gross.. So I went home and slept for the rest of the day.. ( sorry I just needed to include that..)

But yeah. So, OMG you guys.. Okay I'm just gonna skip to like 2 days ago. Okay? okay.

I went home with Meagan on her bus and I spent the night (actually two nights) at her house. Okay so the 1st night we went to the AQUARIUM!! Dude, I've been dreaming to go there since forever! We were celebrating Ed birthday early since she's gonna be in Indiana for her birthday. And ahh It was perfect even though it really made me sick and dizzy to see all of that reflective underwater/fish business goin on.. (Since I have a HUGE fear of the ocean) haha but anywho yeah so when we got home, we went to sleep. BUT, she has a ghost in her house and its name is Jeff. (Her uncle.. Long story haha) and so he always makes noise and stuff every night at 3:00 pm. So I woke up to a loud whisper in my ear (lol oxymoron) and I sat straight up and started shaking. Then I herd scratching and banging on the walls and then I heard footsteps coming closer to where the couch I was sleeping on was! But there was nothing there!!! Then I heard walking on the stairs and a light upstairs turned on and I was having a panic attack AGAIN ( it runs in my family..) so I jumped up and ran to the couch Meagan was sleeping on and shook her trying not to scream. And I told her what was happening and then we heard REALLY LOUD BANGING ON THE WALL BEHIND US!! We jumped up and ran to her moms room and slept in bed with her (both nights) and OH MY GOD IT WAS TERRIFYING!!! I CRIED SO MUCH I WAS SHAKING AHHH!

Yeah that was crazy.. But her house is fine during the day so it's all good I guess.. Haha

So I have something really surprising and stuff!! Okokok so I was kiking this guy (kik the app no actually kicking him. XD) and we were talking and stuff and he asked for a picture of my face and I sent him one and he's like OMG you're beautiful! And I'm like OMG thank you so much! And I said he was cute and he wants to hang out and stuff and ahh I was literally smiling like an idiot! Haha but then I got kinda uncomfortable cuz he was like we can cuddle and kiss and stuff! but I barely know him.. I mean he's really attractive but I need to get to know Jim first.. So I rd him and he understands but I just feel so special! Haha anywho yeah.. I'm eating fruit loops right now. :))

Yay okay so I hope you enjoyed my exciting little stories.. I'll keep you posted on tat guy though ;) hahah nothing will probz. Happen but oh well..

I'm thinking about writing another story!! Let me know what you think it should be about in my inbox! :D

One last question~ if told y'all my Instagram name, would you follow me?? Haha idk but anywho, have an awesome night! And please please pleasee comment some ideas for my next story! :) peace out Girl Scouts!✌

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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