two - freak me out

452 12 9

~year: 2005

this one's short, but bare with me here


The two sat at the rooftop, staring at the lights that lit the city like candles in a church. They had a competition as for who could spot the most 'black-outs'. Whenever a light went out, the first person to catch it got a point. It was such a childish game, but they couldn't help but let out their competitive side whenever they were together.

"There's two!" Rivers pointed in separate directions.

"How did you catch that?"

"Guess I'm just that good." He scoffed.

The other tried to brush it off and continued looking. "Is that even possible or are you just fucking with me?"

Rivers felt flattered by his significant other's disbelief. "It's totally possible. Maybe you're just not as sharp as me." He reached for the hand of the skeptical one, noticing the frustration. "If you don't want me take points for it, then I won't."

The disbeliever chuckled at the sudden change in attitude. "Christ, no need to get all soft on me."

Rivers raised his brow."I'm a soft person."

"I'm just messin' with ya."

Their feet swayed with the wind.
"God, I love you, Brian."


sorry not sorry.

actually i am sorry tho. this one kinda sucked but hey, it's something, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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