Lucas's memory

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Lucas thinks he remember's everything but doesn't know so he goes to his memory box of all of them and pulls out the necklaces that he gave Maya the day they started dating.But when they broke up she gave it back and he never throw it away but she throw away the thing she gave him because of all the drama.

So now he thinkd he should talk to Mathews because Mathews is right they afe drifting but what Lucas wants to know is Can they remember everything or can they forget forever.

So he goes and talks to Mathews and Mathews goes

Lucas if you can remember maybe Maya can remember and you two can get back together because u all are drifting but Izzy and Farkle and I don't want that, Your parents don't want that and Zay can't live with iut Lucaya, So please go talk to Maya and maybe, just maybe she'll remember.

Then he leave's and trys to find Maya's house, when everyone split but two of them, they all forget eachother's houses but Riley's house because of Mathews.

Lucas finally found Maya's house, when he knoks Shawn awnserd and called for Maya.

Maya came down the stares with a white sparkly dress and white highheels on

Lucas whag are you doing here, when I told you not to come over anymore.

Memory of the 6 friendsWhere stories live. Discover now