Chapter Three

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I apologize in advance for any errors on my end with this book. Like I said before this is my first book. Please comment, vote and follow. I have many stories planned and will continue this one if it gets the attention it deserves.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my shit ;)



We entered the beautiful house. It was even more gorgeous on the inside. When you enter the main door way your view is of a hallway leading to what looks like a kitchen. Judging by the table I can see from here, with a stove behind it, I am correct. To the right of the hallway, is a set of dark stained oak stairs that wrap around a bit before diapering around a corner. I wonder how much higher it goes. Right beside me to my right, before the staircase is a room with a desk, must be an office. The doors are shut. If it wasn't for the lovely glass panels on the doors I wouldn't know what was behind them. Looking to my left I see twin doors just like the glass ones to the office. It looks like a sitting area, with lavish couches and chairs. Obviously all black to match the Gothic theme of this palace.

"your room is just up stairs I'll have Dean show you the way. We just happen to have some clothing that may fit you laying on your bed, once you feel comfortable and cleaned up I'd ask that you come down to the kitchen and get something to eat." Reighan said without making eye contact. He seemed to be distracting himself by talking to the walls that might need another layer of paint, and the chip in the hand rail of the stairway.

I lightly say "thank you" instead of nodding in agreement, he wouldn't see anyways as he's clearly distracted by something else. I watch Dean walk over to the stairs and gesture for me to follow and I do immediately.

Going up the stairs I can see that the hallway is long and possibly turns at the end. I wonder how many rooms must be in this place. He stops at the only door on the right side of the hallway. Dean opens the door and walks in looking around "this house is very very old. The rooms in here are huge and meant to hold very important people. Reighan found this place and brought it back to life. It was near shambles and at the risk of being torn down." he walked over to the bed as he spoke "you have the biggest room in this house, this room was actually supposed to be saved for when Reighan finally found his mate. but--" I hold up my hand looking more annoyed then confused I'm sure "what do you mean by mate?" he paused, his expression shocked and confused. "wolves, have mates, commonly known as soul mates, that are chosen for them by the moon goddess so they say. I think this is a conversation we should have with the other two.." still looking confused he continues on "Anywho, his room is roughly the same size the only difference is his room doesn't have a library." as he finishes speaking he points to the left of me. I see a set of huge oak doors and walk over to open them. Inside is a room maybe about 10 feet- 10 feet not that big but cozy. In the center is a chair that extends with a foot rest. Each side wall has book shelves that are from ceiling to floor is cased with books. Straight on from the doors is a big picture window that has a view of the forest.

On the other side of the room is another door, I walk over and open it and it's an empty walk in closet, straight through is another door and I'm quick to investigate. It is my room after all. Behind the second door is a bathroom. Clearly they must have salvaged the tub from this vintage home because it was a deep cast iron tub from my dreams. Lions feet and all. Oh how I can't wait to breathe in this tub.

I walk back out of the bathroom and Dean was already at my bedroom door ready to leave "take a shower love and join us downstairs we have a lot to talk about." he said with a grin, and lightly shut the door behind him. I walked over to the bed and laid down on it. Beautiful crimson red sheets. Satin.

On the bed were a pair of men's pyjamas. I sigh heavily and grab them before going to the bath room. I place them on the sink and quickly fill the tub. As I strip down I graze my right shoulder down my chest and pain jolts through me. I turn and looks in the mirror and it's just a scar where the bullet entered, with light purple veins retreating from the wound. I think it looks bad ass. 'it looks painful and it's a defect to your temple' Luna chimed in to my thoughts out of nowhere.

I groan to her responds, how have I 'ruined' my temple? Did I ask to get shot? Luna pipes into my thoughts once more 'you have covered your body with ink Chloe, you have not only tainted your skin but your blood. I won't be surprised if our mate doesn't want us because of your choices' I could feel her pain for a second and heard her whimper once she was done speaking. I don't like the feeling of her being hurt but I could care less if Reighan wanted me or not.

Walking over to the tub, completely naked I step in and feel the warmth engulf me. It's exactly how I imagined, like swimming in a hot tub. 'I can't believe that alpha is our mate.. He is strong and very handsome. Maybe you'll be so lucky as to bed him. May he see you and lust enough to mark you.' Once again Luna has invaded my thoughts. I feel warmth cover my cheeks and quickly discard it as just from my bath being to hot. And the hell do you mean 'mark' I'm not to into branding if that's what you're hinting, he won't lay a damn hand on me. 'Relax Chloe, it's a part of the mating, soon you won't be able to resist him' I'm fucking sure I can. I'm passed my days of sleeping around, I'm not getting hurt again Luna.. Leave it alone.

Pushing her out of my thoughts, her inappropriateness will surely be the death of me if I don't. I climb out of the tub pulling the drain. I put on the clothing assigned to me. They were way too big I could just wear the shirt and be fine. I try the bottoms and they just won't do. Just the shirt it is.

Grabbing a hairbrush from the drawer and giving myself a once over, I walk out of the bathroom and out of my room into the hallway. As I walk down the stairs quietly, I can hear the men faintly talking in the kitchen.

"According to the elders of the South pack, she needs to be mated to release her wolf. But will this kill her or make her the strongest wolf in the world we don't know." Jason states bluntly.

"and how do they know this?" Reighan quickly asks.

"They don't it's an assumption. This is what happens with most half bloods. She just happens to be a great half blood." Jason finishes, with the sound of a glass being placed on the table. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. All 3 men stand to greet me. I instantly look to Reighan's eyes and I follow them as he gives me a once over noticing my lack of pants he grins mischievously. And he's supposed to be in charge? Pervert.

(Edited for the most part)  

Destined to be MatesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang