18. Cleaning Lady On Duty

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Meris P.O.V

This is amazing. My best friend is probably kidnapped while Im in a car with three other dudes waiting for another person to show up so we can chase someone, wink wink, with a car. Fun? Yeah, no.

"The car stinks. Glad the stereotype that guys have clean cars is not true." I grab a.... sock? I think and toss it aside.

"I have a system for your information." Calum says shrugging and eating pizza. The sass is strong on this one.

"You know, out of all of the guys I thought your car would have more chance to be clean."

Yes it is true. My friends.... well Im.not sure what Luke is but my friend is in danger and we are sitting around eating pizza. Best friend award? Me. Sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm.

"I cant stand this. Im going out and getting closer." Aahton says. I totally forgot he was here.

"The plan was to stay here and wait for Chase. Why do people never follow the plan? Bad things happen to people who dont follow the plan. Is this a horror movie with white people? Dont answer that." Im mostlikely sure that Im blabbing by now.

"Okay calm down. How about you and I go out and Michael and Calum wait here?" Ashton suggest and Calum comes forth.... well not literally.

"Oh no. No, no, no. You will just make a lot of noise and this whole thing will go down big on us."

"Okay.... Better idea. You and Meri go out and check through the windows and we can wait here." Michael says amd Ashyon shruggs.

"Why do we even have to go out. Cant we just stay here?" I pipe in at the last effort.

"Sorry redhead. No can do." Calum says and goes out waiting for me.

I sight opening the door. You know those romantic moments in movies and stuff when the girl is so cold and the boy lends her a jacket. This is the opposite. Its freacking hot outside and Im wearing a sweater. I would take it off but then I would only be in my bras and even though Im a feminist Im not comfortable with that. I mean its okay if you do it. Ill just stop and continue.

Anyways. Calum was sweating too in his black long sleeved shirt so we probably looked like a bunch of weird looking burrito thieves in the middle of the night. Never ever would I have thought to say that sentence.

"Okay lets buggie." I laugh.

"I dont think people say that anymore."

"Just wait. They will." Calum says and we sit down on the window showing the living room.

Chase and his uncle were talking waving their hands around like a bunch of animals. I cant tell which was more angry with the other. I cant hear what they are saying. To be honest it looks like on of those old movies without words.

I was to focused on Chase and his uncle I didnt even notice Calum was talking. "And so I have no idea what they are saying. What about you?"

"Huh? Yeah I have no idea too. But where is his dad? Werent they supposed to meet together?"

"Well it seems they are now." Calum points to Chases dad who apparently just entered the room. And he doesent even look happy.

"Can you hear anything?" I ask him smashing my head againts the window but I cant seem to hear a thing. Stupid me. The windows are probably sound proof and bullet proof probably.

"I cant. This was useless-"

I interrupt him when I see that Chases dad and uncle have left the room. "Look. Where are they going?"

My badboy neighbour #Wattys2016Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant