Chapter 2 : Kris Wu

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The next day. Lunch break, classroom. Sun-Hi's POV.

I place my chopsticks down, ending my meal to say thanks for the food I have eaten. Just then, Yoona drops down the nearest chair beside me with a juice box on her hand. "Ugh, I really can't stand his existence any longer, Sun-Hi! I think I'm going crazy just sitting beside him!" said Yoona, whining for the sixth time today.

I look down my wrist watch, "It's only been three hours since school started. I'm sure you can last another four hours." She clench the juice box on her hand, choking a bit from overly drinking it in one go. I hand her a tissue, looking very helpless at her. "If I were you, I'd smartly ignore him from now on. I mean, you're going to be seatmates till the year ends after all."

Yoona childishly sags her shoulders, focusing her attention back to where Sehun sat in which he was surrounded by not only the girls in our class, but also higher batches and so forth. "You know.. I heard that he's really famous." I said as a matter-of-factly. Yoona makes face, not at all convinced with the fact I've given. "Oh really? Well if he's really that famous, why isn't he on Television? Sure he has good looks, but no one would like his trashy attitude!"

"That's true. But from what I heard, he despises being put on the spotlight, that would explain why he never appears in Television. Despite being all-around perfect, I'm sure he has other reasons more important than being a handsome genius that everyone adores." Now that I think about it, I grew more curious towards Sehun. By the looks of it, he expresses a determined look sometimes that some people wouldn't even see if they don't observe closely.

"Or maybe he's just a cold-hearted jerk that makes fun of people below him." said Yoona, saying it through her teeth with a fiery look in her eyes. "I guess this is where I draw the line stating that I won't be able to convince you to change your attitude towards him." She shrugs, stretching upright the moment she stood. "At least you tried. Anyway, I'm going back to my unfortunate seat. Talk to you later!"

She saunters back to where little by little, the girls crowding Sehun soon disperse away from the area the moment the lunch bell rang throughout the school grounds. I face back, tucking my lunch box inside my bag. Just on time, Mr. Xi comes in for his daily homeroom. He stands at the podium at where we solemnly bow at him.

He abrupt a pretentious cough, scanning the place for everyone to keep silent. "Well, surprisingly enough, there seems to be another exchange student joining us in this class today." says Mr. Xi, looking quite proud of the school's advertisement outcome. "Gosh! Another exchange student?" "Yeah! And to think that it would be at this same class as well!" "I know right! I hope it's another boy!" "Me too!" said three girls a few seats away, still conversing even when Mr. Xi is still talking.

I roll my eyes plainly, thinking of how my surroundings are all wilting roses. Aside from displaying a perfect personality to everyone, only but Yoona knows my dark side. That at late nights, when my parents are either still at work or overseas for a business meeting, I sneak out and gamble at a local casino just a few blocks away from my house. Of course, a straight A student such as myself would cause a big deal if I were to be seen loitering around the casino at night. Not only will I lose my reputation, I'd also have to deal with my parents who would most likely drop me out of school, hire personal teachers and keep me hidden away inside the house.

The very thought of it happening gave me chills down my spine. "Everyone, here is our second exchange student, Kris Wu." In comparison from Sehun's arrival yesterday, it seems that this person named Kris Wu stole a lot more of attention from everyone in the class. Half the girls in our class took out their phones and started hogging the new student of pictures.

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