Chapter 3 - Our Childhood

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I'm at the park right now, mom and dad still haven't time to play with me, so I'm just gonna find some new friends!

"Yah, stop lying, we know you can't play football! Stop playing with us!" I heard a bunch of boys screaming and pushing another boy, I couldn't stand that so I interrupted them.

"Hajima! You boys are 6 and he's alone, this is not fair! You are pabo. Yah, kaja." I said grabbing the boy's hand.

But I turned around and said "Also you all are bad at playing football. My grandpa is better than you all"

- - -

"You're so stupid, why you hang out with those people, they're bad thing" I said grabbing his ear.

"Aaah aaah, hurts, hajima...jebal..." he whined and whined again

"That's the lesson! My grandmother always do this to me too when I'm wrong!"

I know this is not about me, and I should interfering, but what do you want me to do? Standing there watching them bullying him?!

Also, it's not the first time that I see them doing this kinda things, and I've waited so much to give them a lesson.

"Now that my work has finished, I've gotta go home, bye!" I said waving and him.

"Wait! Can we be friends? I don't have many of them. What's your name? I'm Im Jaebum, I'm  6 years old!" He said grabbing me.

"You're a strange boy..." I whispered, I don't think he heard that.

"Anyways, I'm Liu Joy, you're older than me I'm 4 years old."

"So that makes me your oppa! Call me oppa!" He tried to be cute and failed.

"Aish, so strange. I don't want to be your friend, I could be affected by your strangeness then." I said with a 'disgusting face' trying to not laugh.

"ANI ANI, okay, no oppa then. But one day you'll call me like that!"

"Okay, now I really have to go, I have things to do! Annyeong." I said leaving.

"Wait wait."

"Aish you're so annoying, what?!" I was a little bit annoyed, he could have said those things when we were talking.

"Can you meet me everyday in this park at 15? So we can always play together and know each other more!"

"Okay, byee"

- - -

We were so young back then, so innocent, we didn't know nothing.

- - -

So everyday I met him at the park, and we even went to the same kindergarten, the same primary school, and high school.

We were in different class since he is older than me.

We were always together anytime. And he didn't made any other friends.

And in high school he was popular with girls, and they were angry with me cause he was always staying by my side, waiting outside my class, go home together. I guess they were all jealous by that.

And everyone thought that we were a couple.

- - -

While we were walking together in the hall of the school a girl stopped us.

"Jaebum-ah, I really like you! Do you like me back?" A girls said to him while she bowed and handed him a letter.

"Mianhae, I don't even know you, how do you expect me to like you? Kaja Joy-ah" and I nodded.

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