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The cars around Isaac honked at each other, trying to get the best spot on the road. The streets were busy, making it a little hard to see, but Isaac managed to find where he was going.

He planned to walk all the way to the ferry that took people to the Statue of Liberty. Isaac knew that he could get in serious trouble for sneaking onto the ferry, and for running away from his family. He would be fine, though. All he was doing was walking down the streets of the city he lived in.

Not noticing that there was a crack in the sidewalk, Isaac tripped and fell onto a tall person that was strolling the streets.

"Are you okay, young man?" the person asked.

Isaac got up and brushed some dirt off his pants. "Yeah, I'm okay," Isaac replied, grimacing at the slight pain in his knees. Looking up to see who the person was, Isaac recognized him as the tall guy that he had stood behind while waiting to get on the elevator.

The man took Isaac's arm. "Why don't you come with me, huh? I'll patch you up," the man said, a wicked smile creeping up on his face.

Isaac knew that this man was bad news. "No, I think I'll just be on my way," Isaac said nervously.

"Come on. You can trust me..." The man suddenly yanked Isaac forward grabbing his shirt. Isaac screamed in pain as his shirt rubbed against his skin.

People swiveled their heads around to see what was going on. "Let go of me!" Isaac yelled.

"You're coming with me," the man said, taking something out of his coat.

"Hey!" a woman yelled. "Let the kid go." Other people yelled in agreement. The man holding Isaac stopped smiling and loosened his grip on Isaac just a little bit. Taking the opportunity to free himself, Isaac elbowed the man in the gut and raced down the street.

"Come back, kid!" the man yelled behind him, slowly gaining on Isaac.

Isaac just ran. Fear built up inside of him. He couldn't stop running, and he wouldn't stop until he knew he was safe. Seeing a small alley to the right, Isaac turned and ran inside.

Reaching a dead end, Isaac spun around to see the man entering the alley. "You're dead, kid," he whispered psychotically. Isaac slapped himself on the forehead. Why was he so stupid? In movies, when people went into an alley, they usually got trapped. But this time would not be one of those times.

Isaac charged the tall man, seeing that he had just enough room to slide between his legs. "That's it. Come here, kid," the man laughed. Just moments before the man could reach him, Isaac slid underneath his tall legs, leaving him stunned.

"See ya'!" Isaac yelled, and ran off into the streets. Isaac could see the man trying to follow him, but got blocked by the crowd of oncoming pedestrians.

Isaac slowed down. That had probably been the scariest moment of his life. Maybe he wasn't so safe, walking down the streets of his own city. Isaac continued to traipse down the narrow side walk. But then, he noticed something. Just off to his left was an entrance to the subway stations. Maybe he could take one of the trains!

Turning towards the entrance, Isaac avoided the people walking towards him, then ran down the steps that lead to the station.

Isaac sat down on one of the small benches and waited for the subway train to come rolling into the station. Since he didn't have any money, Isaac decided that he was going to have to sneak onto the train.

After a brief moment of waiting on the bench, Isaac stood up and saw the train rumbling into the station, it's brakes squealing as they stopped the wheels. Isaac waited by one of the train and waited for them to open. A slight hissing noise sounded, then the doors swung open releasing a mass influx of people.

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