The old maple

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We decided to kiss under the maple tree she had found on her way to home.

It was an old life standing with leaves spread apart. It had Thin leaves that could only save from from light but not forever. However dull it may look, it had now found its true audience !
Hoping our kiss would set with the sun, we left early.

I remember skipping my lunch, meat loaf and bread, it was something much more, my stomach chose to look away and i couldnot help. I wasnt sure if it was a precaution to not smell bad or my eagerness to meet the old maple.

I was 10 minutes early and "still late" in my mind.

I stood there in my blue trousers and white t shirt, adjusting and hiding the stains i got, back from riding my cycle. Only little would i realise the time under it would make me impatient.

She had worn a skirt long enough to hide those knees, she always hated and a sash bow wrapping onto her thin waist and it was in that moment i thought "the maple might just want to live again" .

We kissed.

It still makes me smile how In the times when epidemics , war and hatred had lived, in the times when black n white was the only color, we managed to kiss.

It was our first of last and last of first, because i never saw her again.

She never came to school or the grounds or the roads.

Nobody told me, if the plague took her or the bullets. But if theres something i know we had kissed for the longest time we could have and to witness it there was a life watching from behind, the old maple.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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