canada's getting to know the 2ps

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The picture is of me and my new kitten that I named moose. 😻😸🐾

*1p Canada's point of view*

The red head that was calling my brother pork chop turns to me
"You and my brother have the same name dude talk about weird".
Then he turn to the hot guy...I MEAN MATTHIEU... And says" haha I guess this means your both losers... Shame..." Wait was he calling me a loser or Matthieu a loser...I look down a my feet. All the sudden the pink guy that looks like papa goes up to the red head slaps him and says "ALLEN where are your manners." Oh his name is Allen. Well he is a jackass. I hope he doesn't make my brother like this. Then the pink guy starts talking again "oh I'm sorry dear my name is Oliver." Oliver sighs and says "we really need to establish a nickname for one of you..." So I reply well some times papa calls me Mattie". Then oliver squeals and yells "oh my gosh that's perfect I don't know what to say!!!" Then Matthieu turns me towards him and asks "well Mattie do you like hockey?" I give him a large smile and say "oh my gosh I love hockey!!"  "Cool wanna watch the game with me in 20 minutes?"
"Yas" I yell. Alfred laughs as it echoes through the house. Eventually Matthieu laughs as well."well then you better go get your jersey on!"

*time skip to after hockey game*

*Oh my gosh I can't believe my team lost"I cry as hide my face is my Jersey. "Dude what's your damn problem its just hockey" Alfred says putting a dollar in Olivers swear jar. Apparently he got used to it already. I didn't have to deal with it since I don't curse out loud. I give him a stern look "that's like if I said your girlfriend was just a hooker!"he gasped and said shanaenae(shuh-nay-nay)is not a hooker she just likes to do crazy things with her make up" "yeah sure she also does crazy things with her other boyfriends!" I can't believe i just let that slip. I have been trying not to tell him what his girlfriend has been doing. I didn't want to hurt my brother...he is going to be heart broken forever.                "Mattie...does she really have other boyfriends?" He asked in a whisper...oh my god I broke him " Alfie I'm so sorry I was trying not to tell you I didn't want you to be hurt I'm so sorry... "Alfred turns away and leaves. papa looks at me and said " if you didn't want to hurt him you should have told him sooner". I look away with tears in my eyes. I then feel a large hand on my shoulder. I look back to see Matthieu with a sad smile on his face as he wipes away my tears and whispers "you did what you thought was best for him you tried to prolong his pain."

*2p Canada's point of view*

Mattie looked away from Arthur with tears in his eyes Arthur should have said something gentler to him the chickadee breaks easily. I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks back at me. I decide too be a bit sensitive and wipe away the tears from the soft skin and whisper "you did what you thought was best for him you tried to prolong his pain" he gives me a sad look and shuffles a bit closer and rests his head on my arm. he looks so sleepy and cute... wait WHAT!!! I am a dude. He is a dude. No!! Bad Matthieu!! You and dad already had this talk you can't be gay!!!!!!!
He does look really tired though maybe I should offer to carry him to his room. I nudge his shoulder to see if he is still awake sure enough he makes a gentle hmm allowing me to force myself too ask him if he want me to carry him to bed or not he nods his head yes and asks if I mind it I said I wouldn't offer if I wasn't ok with it. he gives me a sleepy smile so I pick him up and carry him to bed as I lay him down upon his bed and find out he will not let go of my shirt so I lay down with him and eventually fall asleep.

A/n 9/7/2016. wow 755 words. this chapter may have made you sleepy because I mentioned the word sleepy to many times I think I said sleep so many times because its 4:34am when I finished writing. Forgotten is sleepy...*falls asleep*

*2p Japan walks in*

*He laughs and picks me up*

2p Japan: sorry about that she is a idiot...

*i slap him in my sleep*

2p Japan:and abusive...very very abusive

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