The Flower

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What can I say about

The Flower. The

Flower is perfection

In every sense of the

Word. The Flower

Blooms in the sun

And glistens in the

Moon. The Flower,

Coated in dew, sparkles

Gloriously. The Flower

Is a beautiful pink by

Day, and a deep purple

By night. The Flower

Feeds the butterfly's and

The bees. The Flower

Embodies Nature itself.

Yet the Flower has one

Fault. It will die.

The Flower will die

Someday. Even in all of

Its glory, it will meet its

End. It will decay until

There is nothing left. No

Beauty, no splendor,

No glistening dew.

The same goes with

Humans, oh foolish

Creatures. We view

Ourselves as perfection,

But our majesty shall not

Last. We will cease to

Breath, and our body's

Shall meet the earth in

Eternal slumber. Then,

Our beauty will be over,

And with it, our memory.

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