In the hospital/Figure it out/The news

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Dean Pov

After Sky Riker was done with that song she and I kept lock on our eyes til I realized...... that was Skylar

I was shocked by that Skylar was alive I made a mistake I try going to her locker room but it was locked then I saw the same limo leave there she go

Renee came up to me and said babe let's go why you chasing after that bitch if you have me

I had flipped I said that bitch was the best girlfriend that ever happen to me she is better than you Skylar changed me you made her friends turn away from me when I need the most

I heard my sister voice said well check her last twitter feed wherever she is right now that where she is

Stephanie said she don't put her location up but around this time she at the mountains running

I said I'm going there to get my girlfriend back
Everybody had cheered and I had got in my car and I had went to the mountains and once I got there

I saw not my Skylar there I saw a Ferrari leave a yard next door so I follow it somewhere

Skylar Pov
I had got dressed in (outfit above) and I had got in my Ferrari and I looked out my rearview mirror and saw a yellow mustang

I had shrugged my shoulders and my first stop was McDonald

I had ordered three breakfast platters and orange juice

I had labeled each one for me my dad and my mom
Then I had went to a place for lunch I ordered two Philly cheese sandwich and a salad
Lastly dinner I had got three salads and some sodas

Then I had drove to the hospital

I had parked right next to my mom car and I had grab the food and walked into the hospital

I had went to the elevator and I pressed the number and I had waited once I got to my dad floor I had walked in and I had said hi mom and dad

My mom said hey sweetie
My dad said hey what in the bags
I said well I figured that me you and mom have a morning then when mom leaves we stay in here or you can leave with me

My dad had said okay Steph you want something to eat
My mom said sure

I handed my mom her breakfast and her orange juice
I said so mom you liked the show
She shook her head yes
I said so what happen backstage
My mom said well Dean flipped out on Renee
I said well that's nice
My mom said you wearing your glasses
I said yeah I be right back my email and social media been blowing up

My dad said okay

I had walked down to my car and I grab my laptop and phone while I looked for my laptop a raspy voice talked and said "So you ducking and hiding from me now"

I had found my laptop and I had grab it and locked my car and said look Dean I heard what you said just know that I always love you but yet your arm was around that whore shoulders while I was performing supposedly love me really

Dean said Skylar I'm sorry

I had laughed and sad you're sorry Dean I can't even it is going take more than sorry to get me back so see you later

I had walked passed and my mom was leaving
I said you got your salad
My mom said no how about you bring it to the arena
I said okay just let me give dad his lunch and talk to him

My mom said okay
I had walked to my dad room and gave him his lunch
I said Philly cheese sandwich with root beer

My dad said what your next song
I said well since we got time I'm guessing it going to be See you again
My dad said Sky I don't want you to worry but I don't how long I got
I said daddy don't you dare say it please don't
My dad said Sky please listen I will always be with you but I want you to become the best damn WWE champion hold your head up proud don't let nobody take that from you or your mother cause she good for that
I said okay get some sleep I got to go to the arena to deliver a lunch and see Kylie
My dad said okay and guess what
I said what
My dad said Finn,Becky, Charolette Sasha are up in the main roster

I said okay I love you daddy
My dad said love you too
I said wait why did your lawyer send me your will
My dad said cause I want you to read it and keep it safe
I said okay go to sleep

I had walked down to my car and I had drove to the arena once I got there my Rocker was there waiting
I had took pictures, signed stuff and thanks fans

I said see you soon my Rockers!
The crowd had screamed and I had walked into the arena and once Dolph, Paige, Nikki, Brie, Ally,Becky, Finn, Kylie, John,and Bryan saw me they did a group hug
I said alright guys can't breathe
They had released
I said alright if you must know I'm making comeback in the Halloween battle
The girls had squealed
I said okay so what I miss
Nikki said well we got Roman for champion
I said perfect how your dad
I said he got life in him but he okay and Kylie where your brother
Kylie said by your locker room
I said thanks cause I got a present for him
Finn said well us first
I said what up
Finn said well we got twins
I said I'm gonna be a aunt
Kylie said wait aren't you pregnant
I said yes I am with twins don't know what the genders
Kylie said wait you are four weeks
I said yes why
Kylie said cause I'm four weeks
I said yay our kids are going to be born on the same day
I said well let's me deliver this food for to mom
I had walked passed Seth and told him the news
Seth said I'm gonna be a uncle
I said yes
Seth said you want help
I said sure take this to my mom please
Seth said sure
He had walked off and I walked into the direction of my locker room and there Dean with flowers
I said so you were waiting
Dean said of course I wanting to see you
I said well we can talk in my locker room
We had walked in there and he had placed the flowers down and I had stand up
I said now listen don't hate me but
Dean said what
I said I'm pregnant with twins
Dean was shocked
I said but I don't forgive you cause me and Seth are doing a friend day so this means you got to work hard for me
Dean said I will I promise
I said okay now good cause I'm tired
I had walked back to my Ferrari and I had drove to my house and I had walked upstairs and I had got underneath the covers and I had fallen asleep with many of kids names

There you go ChuckTaylorFan this is leaving off of Becoming a rock star so enjoy

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