Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Aunt Julie?” I asked again even more shocked at this time.

“Absolutely! Why is there something wrong?”my mom asked.

My sister covered her laugh with a fake cough and her South African husband Ron now even looked more confused and suddenly she burst out laughing. I looked at her frowning “Shut the hell up Caitlin!”

“Why? I remember I used to tease you with her and call her mother in law when it’s just the two of us.”

I gobbled and this time my eyes were even fierce and she stopped.

Aunt Julie, who is she and what’s the big deal? Oh well! Before I fell in love with Seth I had a huge crush on her son William and totally broke my heart after that with the parting away of my best friend with him to be a couple in love god I hate them!

Being a corporate lawyer of our business I get to be seen on televisions every now and then and had some commercials too and guest on shows so that brought fame to me to a media—Hollywood kind of life.

I went out of the four wheel drive car drove by our driver and went to the bakery of Aunt Julie dressed by very expensive clothes so I could show William that I’m better much off without him and let him be drop dead gorgeous with me and feel all the regret he has done to me before but instead I found a man who looks older than me. He smiled at me.

“Hi I’m Ashley Davis the corporate lawyer and daughter of Mr. Brandon Davis the owner of the Davis Corporal. I’m here for the products of Mrs. Julie Moore to be delivered to the Davis’ Mart.” Okay so that was too much formal and saw his mouth drop off and suddenly he gave a huge grin which somehow grossed me

“Yea, Ashley, Hi! I’m the eldest son— Jeff.” He said

“Hi Jeff” sounding informal this time.

“Mom’s not here on the other area please beside this house is the mini restaurant you can get the supplies there since mom is there.”


My heart even pound louder this time I don’t know if I should be happy coz I will see an aunt from the past and a former close classmate or I will hate that guy. Ash get real! You’re done with him enough is enough is enough as the song goes. I breathe hard

I went inside the mini restaurant and went to the counter they said she’s still preparing to dress up and I know how old people dress takes years plus some make-up for ladies so that they could brag about how beautiful they look well that’s for my opinion since my mom is like that which I’m very much aware that I have inherited it together with Caitlin.

One of the ladies there in the counter gave me free food for lunch I bet she’s one of William’s siblings. I don’t know William’s siblings because I have never seen them because they were much older than me.

The food was well good but not as good as how our five star restaurants did it.

Noises were all over the place when a bunch of man who just played basketball entered the place. I took a brief gaze to them oh shit! Williams there well Ash act totally alright.

They stayed on a table beside me. I saw Kevin from high school who use to playfully bully or tease me at school he was staring at me.

“Hey!” one of my classmates from before slightly pushed him what’s the name again Max? “What are you looking at?”

“Look!” he said “Ms. Beautiful is here!”

I shockingly looked at him.

“Hi!” he said

And I looked away and continue to eat my burger and fries—alone!

I eavesdrop on them..

“Who is she?” Max asked

“I don’t know” Kevin said casually

“Hmmph!.. You don’t know her and you said hi! I’ll tell you to Cheryl.” Max referring to Kevin’s super beloved wife

And girlfriend since high school

“No please dude! No!” He begged while the others laugh which were my classmates too before.

“It’s just that you know she looks very familiar.” Kevin said

“You know what I think so too!” Max finally agreed.

I looked at them and reached out one hand “Hi! I’m Ashley Davis.”

And everyone was so shock but I didn’t mind and just smiled I took Max hand and shook it and then Kevin took my hand and shook it many times which is hurting me now because he was already squeezing it. William removed Kevin’s hand for me.

“William! Wi—William! Slapped me! Pinch me! Kiss me!” Kevin said stuttering, panicking and smiling I can see he was really happy about this.

‘Eew dude!”  William said

“Oh my Ashley babe, How I’ve miss you! With your new looks and beauty I can’t recognize you anymore!” Kevin said

“Shut the hell up Kevin! Don’t call me babe coz you’re still not my type.” My eyes rolled.

We all laughed and talk about a lot of things about what’s going on to them but that didn’t took for long coz finally Aunt Julie came.

A girl whose pregnant came outside “William my love where are you?”

My face was like huh? What the hell? Is he married is this what he exchanged for me and for my best friend too? An ugly girl! Who looks like a bitch?

I saw William covering his face now.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Aunt Julie commented “How dare you Michelle! Don’t sabotage my youngest son he’s not the father of your child go back to your house and call your boyfriend tell him he has to answer her for both of your child.” I heard Aunt Julie whispered “So young and yet so stupid making a baby and at the end break up!” with her expressions know I can see her Chinese side because of her mother which is William’s grandmother.

“Com’  on! Aunt Julie! He’s single and ready to mingle!!!!”

“Let’s go Ashley!” Aunt Julie demanded. So he really broke up with my ex-best friend? I don’t know if I would be sad for her or happy because at least she’s already free from this ugly stupid guy.

“Wait  Ashley!” I heard Michelle “Autograph please!” I nodded and everyone in the restaurant started asking for pictures and signs too.

Finally that’s done “Uhm.. Ashley I’ll bring William with me so he could help us and having an application in the Davis hotel and resort.

Okay! So too much shock for today my eyes went big and mouth open because of surprise. The idea of having them as business partner wasn’t good at all and wait—What an employee? Is even more of like a hell bad news!

We rode at the car and it was really quiet any drop of needle might be heard. I try to sing tunes in my mind. Aunt Julie asked me a lot of things about my life I didn’t much open up for business reasons.When we finally went to the office I and William are left alone until mom and Aunt Julie finish their meeting or maybe gossiping. I smiled to him a couple of times but not really talk at all and just agreed with his small chitchats which I know that I sound uninterested.When the meeting was finish mom smiled too me. “William’s our new security guard at the front entrance of the Davis’ hotel and resort. Days past by and I believe that William had made up already what we’ve broken from the past but I don’t want to go back to him anymore but I can see how much he is into me but I just don’t like him anymore.

One day, I was so lazy and I just sat exhausted at the waiting area of the hotel there was a customer coming. He’s wearing white long sleeves polo and a dark black shades his head wandering his eyes when he entered the entrance door. Immediately, I sat still at my place and my eyes where very much surprise and where sparkling. IT’S HIM!

A/N: What do you think? I really feel like doing this story at the moment since I have an inspiration everyday.. Perhaps my Seth-like dream and William-like nightmare here at real world!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2012 ⏰

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