Happy Endings

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"Would you like to hear a story, it doesn't have a happy ending but what love story does."

Back in the ancient times where woman and men used to love one another truly there was a girl her name was Cara sparecraft. She was born into a family who practice witchcraft, and she later on practice witchcraft her self. Cara was a pretty psychotic girl with a dark soul, but she kept it hidden from public. Until her 20th year, she had met Alexander, a young human man with blue eye brown hair and a face you thought was crafted from the gods. Cara had fallen in love with Alexander without saying two words to him, until the 3rd day of winter Cara found her Great Grandmother's grimore and she found a old forbidden spell that gives you the ability to control someone's essence , meaning to control them
Cara was filled with excitement once she a had found the answer to her problems, she studied and studied the spell forever until she finally had the courage to cast the spell on Alexander.
Once the 6th day of winter came Cara had spelled Alexander into loving her.

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