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After 5 winters had past Cara and Alexander were madly in love with each other. Even though Cara thought Alexander would eventually find out about the spell she casted on him, she was terrified about what would happened if he ever found out so she burned her grandma's grimore making the spell permanent forever.

One day before sunrise Alexander had sneaked out to Cara's cabin and they embraced there love for each other. Cara never felt more sane, more like a person.. Regular

The next day was one of the moat exciting moments of her life, Alexander purposed, and of course before he even gotten one knee she immediately said yes. They promised to love each other forever and they were to be married two days after.
"Marriage is strange"
The marriage was strange because instead of the normal ring he gave her a charm necklace , it had blue crystal in the center and all around it were diamonds. Rumour has it that the diamonds aren't really diamonds there trapped souls of the people who wore the necklace, but with magic there's always pleasure and pain.

The days before the wedding Alexander's emotions toward Cara were unspeakable, one day he was happy the next day he sad and his physical appearance was drifting away faster Everyday, he had gotten skinnier and lost all his Colour in his body. But Of course Cara didn't noticed because she was so interested in her big day.

Red roses and blood
The day of the wedding came and Cara was beyond the moon  excited, but Alexander grew weaker and weaker.
Minutes before the wedding Alexander stunk off into the forest and disappeared. As Cara walked down aisle to nothing there waiting for her suspicion grew and then she made it to the and still nothing, Cara was starting to feel like everything she worked for was falling apart , she slowly turned to the audience that was confused about what was going on and she began to walk down the aisle, tears ran down her face as she made it to the end of aisle then she drifted into the forest.

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