Chapter Eight

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I wake up with a start. My vision is blurry. At first, I can't seem to figure out why. Then I take a glance around the room I'm in.

'This isn't my room,' I find myself thinking, and I can obviously tell it is not even through my blurred vision.

My thoughts are immediately confirmed as Daniel Howell opens the door and walks in, yawning and stretching so that his stomach is somewhat exposed due to the semi-short black v-neck he's wearing.

"Morning, Philip," he greets me.

"It's just Phil."

"Okay, then, Just Phil," he starts out, giggling a little bit at himself. "Would you like breakfast?"

"Sure, why not?" I sit up but immediately regret it. My vision blurs out completely and I see black spots everywhere, and my head hurts. I groan, laying back down.

I hear Dan laugh a little bit from across the room and I can't tell if he's still laughing at his joke or laughing at me. I brush it off either way.

"Breakfast in bed, then, Blue Eyes?"

"What even made you start calling me Blue Eyes?" I ask curiously, and I hear the small creak as Dan leans against the door frame.

"Your eyes are, in fact, blue. Are they not?"

"Well, yeah, they are. But-"

He cuts me off. "No but's unless it's your butt."

I feel a blush rise to my cheeks. "Thanks," is the only thing I can manage to say.

"Anyway, breakfast. I'll be back."

The door squeaks open and he shuts it gently behind him. Suddenly, I find myself feeling extremely comfortable in Daniel's room. Not just comfortable in the bed physically, but also comfortable emotionally. Kind of like I like it here.

Which is a shot out of the ballpark, but one can only begin to wonder.

Could I really like Daniel Howell?

No. Never.

Or maybe not?


"Hey, have you seen my phone?" I ask Dan as he returns into his room with a plate in either hand. He sets one down on my lap and watches as I prop myself slowly up to eat it. He then sets his down on the nightstand, which still holds his drink from last night.

"Yeah, it's out by your bag. Would you like me to get it?"

"Why are you suddenly being so nice?" I find myself asking without thought. This question makes him pause for a moment.

"I can't just be nice for the hell of it?"

"You're Daniel Howell. Last I checked, you have sex with someone and then blow them off the very next day. That's not a very nice thing to do, and you can't change just like that," I say before taking a tiny bite of the eggs that were placed on my plate.

I glance over at him for a moment. A small frown forms on his face, and suddenly I feel bad. Suddenly I feel like I was too harsh.

"I'll get your phone," he finally says in a rather monotone voice as he walks off, taking large strides and getting across his room in only a few steps.

Within seconds, he opens the door again and throws the phone onto the bed next to me. He grabs his plate and walks back out.

I was too harsh on him. I know it.

I pick up my phone, turning it on.

34 unread messages

That must be Tyler wondering about me. I haven't talked to him since the call last night.

I unlock my phone and immediately tap on the messaging app.

Of course, it's all Tyler. I skim over the messages.

T.O.: phil hey you wouldnt believe what happened just now

T.O.: heY loser why arent you answering me

T.O.: oh yeah youre at howell's house

T.O.: are ya gettin it on with the dan?

T.O.: haha, the dan he's not just dan but he is THE dan, phil watch out for the dan

T.O.: sorry for messaging you so much i'll leave you alone

At least I know he thinks about me a lot, I guess? But that's also a given since he's one of my best friends. Also because if something happened to me he'd have to pay rent alone and he doesn't make enough money for that.

Probably mostly the second reason.

I tap on the 'Call' button next to his name.

He answers after only a few rings. "Hey, loser," he greets me.

"Hi, Tyler. Sorry I wasn't answering. I was... Busy," I reply, stretching out my last word a little bit, not sure if he'd buy it.

"Busy doing the Dan diddly?"

"I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but no?"

"Come on, Philip. You can't hide this kind of thing from me. You have to tell me."

I pouted, though I knew Tyler couldn't see it. "I'll tell you everything that I can remember when I get home."

"Yes! I knew I could get it out of you. Be home soon, Philip. I'm excited to hear about The Dan," he says, emphasising the last two words.

"Whatever, dork. I'll talk to you later."

He laughs. "Love ya, Phil. See you soon."

"Love you too, loser."


Tyler ends the call, and I'm once again left alone with my own thoughts.


"Philippines! Get ready, we're going on an adventure," Dan shouts as he enters the room.

I jump at the sudden noise and he goes quiet, quickly apologising. "Where to?" I ask him, sitting up and dangling my legs off of the bed.

"Don't know. Mall? Park? Wherever you want to go."

I don't want to go anywhere. My friends are always out and about and I don't want to risk them seeing me with Daniel Howell. "Park, I guess?" I say anyway.

"Alright then, Philippines, get ready."

"Stop calling me that," I reply with a serious tone, though I'm laughing a bit at how he keeps saying it.

"Never," he simply replies before walking out of the room to allow me to get ready. I stare at my bag for a moment, just simply thinking, and then I grab it and pull some clothes out, quickly throwing them on.


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