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ZERO | doll

 ❝I am not like other girls❞▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀—ANONYMOUS

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I am not like other girls

EVER since she was a child Eli had always been confused by the simplest of things. Her adoption was one of the few things she seemed to understand. Something that would've been confusing to a child her age, was the only real thing her mind could comprehend. She had remembered seeing how low her parents had got. They were too caught up at the prospect of money, they didn't care how many laws they were breaking. They weren't very good at hiding their indiscretions, which caused social services to take her away while the time had come for her parents to pay the piper. Thus, her uncle and aunt swooped in, claiming her as their own.

As she grew older Eli found solace in her various books. She found that the more she read, the more she could escape from her own boring world. She lived in a world of fantasy and adventure, places with dragons and handsome saviors. She became so devoted to her books she seemed to grow quieter, and with that she also became more observant. People didn't notice her, but she noticed them. Eli observed their habits, it came to a point where she learned almost too much about people. The out spoken girl was starting to sink into seclusion. That was until a bubbly bombshell named Buffy Summers brought her life exactly what it had been wishing for, but what she was not prepared for was the many times her life would be threatened by creatures of the night.

"CORDELIA I highly doubt that I absolutely need to wear this to school."

"You do need to, I promise! Please, I can not have you going to school wearing--well that!"

Eli looked at her reflection, her blonde damp hair rested messily upon her shoulders, naked blue eyes swept from her loose blue t-shirt to her hole filled jeans. She could see where her older sibling was coming from, but unlike her, Eli didn't care what she looked like. As long as she was comfortable, she was happy with it. She turned, looking at the brown haired girl who held out an outfit that didn't seem to consist of much fabric.
Cordelia had been trying for the last hour to get her to wear something she deemed fashionable. All she wanted was for her younger sister to make a good impression as her first day as a freshman. God knows how much Eli would appreciate this help later in life.

"I will wear that on one condition--"


"--One condition Cordy. I get a trip to the library and you have to come in with me, maybe even get a book for yourself." Cordelia rolled her brown eyes, huffing dramatically as she mumbled an 'okay'.

Eli beamed at her sister as she grabbed the small scraps of clothing and headed to her closet to get changed.
Unfolding the first piece she found it to be a grey skirt with blue stitching following the bottoms down the middle of the skirt. It was short compared to what she usually wore the few times she'd worn a skirt. The last piece of clothing she found was a light blue half sleeved shirt to match the stitching on the skirt. As she slipped them on she found them to be tight, especially her shirt that clung to every curve of her body. Eli had to admit she felt a bit silly in the outfit. She felt even worse when she walked out as Cordelia gasped and starting gushing about the outfit.

By the time they were ready to leave for school, Cordelia had caught Eli trying to sneak her clothes into her bag, but after that failed attempt, she tried getting way with wearing her worn out sneakers. She payed the price as Cordelia forced her into grey boots with her hair and makeup lol done up.

Eli was convinced Cordelia only thinks of her as a doll she could play dress up with. But she didn't mind it after seeing the way Cordelia gleamed because of it.

High school was intimidating to say the least.

Everyone seemed to know exactly what they were doing, while it was blatantly obvious how confused she was.
Cordelia had gone to get her schedule for her, while Eli opted to explore. After the many twists and turns she passed by a window, barley glancing at it from the corner of her eye she could see all the bookshelves fill from top to bottom.

She skidded to a stop and tugged open the door, Eli knew exactly where she'd spend her time this year.

The school library.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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