Author's Note xx.

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Author's Note xx.

Hey guys, I am moving to whales tomorrow, so I won't have internet for about three weeks. I will miss you guys and writing this story but this gives me time to continue to come up with more and better ideas for the story. I might get the Internet back a bit before three weeks or a bite after, Not sure. Also if I get 4G where I am going with out Internet of WiFi at home, I'll be able to continue but this is incase I don't. Stay cool, Okay thats wired. I am wired. I will try to come up with better and greater ideas. I going to miss you guys and writing stories but I will be back and I will continued with the stories. I feel like I am repeating myself so okay lol 😂 xx. Will continue before if can but if not until then, Wrote this first on kik to my other kik lol 😂 xx. I think I may have internet on my phone so it may work xx.

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